Chapter 20

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Katniss' POV

Three hours later, a nurse comes to see us.

"I've got bad news"

"What's going on ?" ask Jason and Finnick at the same time.

"She's in a coma"

And now it's as if a part of me is breaking. The nurse sees all of our faces breaking down and tries to reassure us.

"However, you can go and see her. Her room number is still 203" and she leaves.

I turn to Jason.

"You want to go first ?"

"Actually, I think Finnick should go"

"Why me ?" he looks at us in shock.

"You are her boyfriend, aren't you ?"

"Yes but I thought this time it must be you and Johanna since the last time you let me go first"

"Okay. Jo ?"

"Let's go"

We go to the room 203 and enter. We each sit on one side of her bed.

"Hey Annie, you might not hear us but just know one thing, I'm so sorry" I can't help but cry seeing her like this because it's horrible to see a person I consider my sister in such a state. "I'm angry with myself, you know, since the first accident, we had promised to support you, but we couldn't see that you were still in pain. I'm terribly sorry we haven't seen anything, it's our duty to do so. And now you end up in a coma. When the nurse announced to me, I felt like a part of me was breaking, that my world with you two was over. Annie, you and Johanna are the most important people in my life, the ones who accompanied to my dental appointments when I was scared or the ones who gave Peeta a moral lesson on how to treat me. But what annoys me the most is that you never want to tell us about your problems, we are always the ones who have to ask. But believe us when we told you that your problems are our problems. Annie, talk to us, we won't be leaving. We've been there since Sophie and we'll be there until we die. Do you remember our motto ? Till the end of the line. We are the trio of triplets, right, we will get through this." I cry against her hand.

"Okay, it's my turn now I guess" says Johanna.

Johanna's POV

"Annie, this is the second fright you give me. First your accident with Delly, and now they tell me you're in a coma. I thought it was all over, that I had lost my little sister. My ax is ready for anyone who tries to hurt you." Katniss laughs a little at my joke. "But like Katniss said, we're the trio of triplets, we're going to get through it, as always. You were the only people who managed to see beyond my shell and break it. Damn, you are the people I care about the most in the world and I love you with all my heart. You almost harassed Gale until he promised not to hurt me. We promise to do everything so that the harassment stops and that you can finally flourish in your life, you deserve it. After all you've been through, you deserve to be happy. And like we both did for Katniss and Peeta, we're going to help you out and make sure you and Finnick have the happy ending you both deserve. And believe me that if he hurts you, death won't be powerful enough to stop us. We love you Annie, never forget that. Till the end of the line."

We stay like that for several minutes before leaving the room. Gale comes to see me while Peeta goes to see Katniss.

"Are your okay?" Gale asks me.

"Yeah, it's just hard to see her like this" I admit.

"Guys, it's late, who's coming home ?" asks Jason.

"Aren't you ?" asks Glimmer in return.

"No, if there is something new, I want to be here"

"I stay too" says Finnick.

"Then we all stay"

We sit on the chairs so that it is a little comfortable. I lay my head on Gale's chest and fall asleep.

Clove's POV

I can't fall asleep so I decide to go to Annie's room since everyone is asleep. I come in and sit down.

"Hey Annie, I know we're not that close you and me, but I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for making my brother happy like this and thank you for the letter. I had never seen Finnick so happy with anyone. And I also wanted to say thank you because we were able to talk about a lot of things and I was able to confide in you about several things that I had never discussed with Glimmer or Cato. You were able to reassure me about the doubts that I had towards him and now I have complete confidence in him. Thank you but I only ask you one thing, don't give up, persevere and you will get there, you will get to be happy. Finnick and you will make it happen. And I already considered you as my sister-in-law too."

I stay a little while with her to untangle her beautiful red hair before leaving to join the others. I snuggle up to Cato and go back to sleep.

Jason's POV

It is still early in the morning and since everyone is sleeping, I decide to go see her. I walk into her room and sit down next to her.

"Hey sissy, you know, when Sophie left us, a part of me broke while the other darkened. So please, I'm begging you, don't make me relive this feeling, I'm begging you." I cry because seeing her like that tears me apart. "I only have you left, and I don't want to lose you. I live in the same house as you and I haven't even been able to realize that you were not feeling well. Annie, it's in this room that you forgave me, so please don't leave me in this room where my last visit made me happy. If you don't make it out, I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself. After all, you would never have made it here if I hadn't abandoned you. I can't forgive myself. Please, come back to me sissy. I need you more than you think. These last few weeks, you have been my little ray of sunshine and last night I was planning to tell you that I had met someone, her name is Amy, and that I wanted to ask her on a date. But I was reminded that being a Cresta isn't always easy. But we will overcome and heal from this story with Sophie together. You tell yourself Aunt Mags everything that happened because you are a fighter Annie and you will be fine. So please, Annie, I'm begging you, come back to me."

I go back to the waiting room and sit back in my seat.

Finnick's POV

I wake up and see that the others are already up. Peeta comes and approaches me.

"Did you sleep well ?"

"What time is it ?"


"What ? Already ! Where are the others ?"

"Well Cato, Gale, Marvel, Glimmer and Clove went home to change, Katniss and Johanna went back to see Annie, Jason went to get a coffee and I had to stay here until you wake up"

"Can I go see her ?"

"Finnick, she's your girlfriend, of course you can go see her. I'll go with you like that I'll bring the girls home so they can change."

I smile and we go to the room 203.

We enter, Peeta and the girls leave and now it's just Annie and me. I sit down and take her hand.

"Ann, I have only one question, why didn't you tell me ? Why didn't you tell me that people put you through hell and the worst part is that it's because of me, it's my fault that you are here. But Annie, I'm your boyfriend, it's my duty to protect and support you. You can carry that weight on your shoulders, let me help you. If you succeeded, I will. Be strong, not just for me, but for everyone. Be strong for Katniss, for Johanna, for Jason, for Peeta, for Clove, for Glimmer, for Cato, for Gale, for Marvel and above all, be strong for Sophie. You know the pain of losing a loved one so please don't inflict this pain on us and let Jason go through the loss of a sister again. Fight and I promise you that if we have to, we'll change schools. We'll go to a place where you'll live in peace, with no one to bother you. I don't care where we are, I just care that we're together. I love you more than anything and I don't think I can survive without you. I couldn't live with the thought of you dead on that hospital bed. And I hope you didn't think I could find someone new because I know I couldn't. Annie you are the one and only person I have ever loved, I could never love someone else like I love you. Come back to me, you're my world Annie, my home."

I begin to feel a grip on my hand. I turn my head and see Annie who is struggling to open her eyes.

"Finn ?"

"Hey Ann"

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