Chapter 15

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Annie's POV

"Jason ? You mean as my brother Jason ?"

He nods.

"Why is he here ?" I ask.

"He says he wants to talk to you and apparently apologize"

"Let him go"

"Okay but first I call a nurse and she gives you some tests"

I smile at his protective side. However, he does it anyway. A nurse arrives shortly after and asks him to leave us alone time for a few analyzes.

"How do you feel ?" she asks me.

"My wrist and head hurt a little, but otherwise I'm fine"

"This is normal, you have had a hemorrhage which explains your headache and as far as your wrist is concerned, the wound has become infected and it is normal if it tingles a bit. Now I'm going to take your temperature, do some basic analysis, and then I could let you go as long as you are careful."


She takes my temperature, tests my reflexes and all other kinds of exams.

"I will go show this to the doctor, in the meantime, there is someone who would like to see you"

She leaves and lets Jason in. He hesitantly walks up to me and sits in the chair as I sit back on the bed.

"Why are you here ?" I ask, looking down.

"I wanted to talk to you"

"I'm listening, go"

"I want to apologize, for everything. I rejected you like our parents after Sophie and even more when I found out that you were suicidal. The real reason was that I was trying to detach myself from you so as not to suffer as with Sophie. But by doing that, it was you that I made suffer. When I got that call telling me you were in the ER, it was like the part of me was dying. I immediately started to feel guilty for not having been there and not having supported you. I'm so sorry Annie and I can understand that you don't want to forgive me but I just wanted you to know I'm sorry."

I can't blame him, he's my brother anyway. We lived this whole story with Sophie together and we will heal it together. I get up and go to hug him. He looks surprised but still tightens his grip on me.

"I love you big bro" I say.

"I love you too sissy"

We sit down and he takes my hand.

"Now, what happened to make you get here ?"

"Well to sum it up for a long time I got harassed by a girl, you know, Delly Cartwright"


"And this morning, when I was alone in the bathroom, she walked in, cornered me and cut my vein with a razor"

"I'll kill her"

"Don't worry, Johanna Katniss and Finnick are already on the spot I think"

"So," he tells me with a smirk, "Finnick ?"

I'm slowly blushing.


"You're lucky, he seems to be a good person"

"I think so"

Suddenly I turn my head and the whole gang run into the room. Katniss and Johanna come and hug me.

"You scared the hell out of us !" says Katniss and I smile.

The trio of triplets always go out it. We all settle in, find space and start talking.

"But wait, what happened in the bathroom ? I mean, what do you remember ?" asks Cato.

I explain everything I remember to them and everyone gasps.

"Well, I'm officially on the Eliminate Delly squad" says Johanna, proud of herself.

"I'm in" says Gale, no but don't tell me I'm the only one who notices he's madly in love.

"Me too" says Katniss.

"Yeah me too" says Cato.

Everyone explodes with laughter.

And then we spent the rest of the day laughing together. I won't change these moments for the world.

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