Chapter 10

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Finnick's POV

I arrive at school and see that everyone is there except Katniss and Annie.

"How come you come after me when I left later ?" Clove asks.

"I took a detour to the beach. I sat and watched the ocean for several minutes before leaving."

"And why did you need to go to the beach like that out of the blue ?" Gale intervenes. Oh shit ! "Usually when you go, you need to think about or de-stress about something"

"And what is that outfit ?" Cato asks. "Do you have a date ?" I feel myself blushing and see Clove giving a mischievous smile that only I understand as the others look at us in confusion.

"Either tell them or I'll do it" she says and I sigh.

"I'm going to ask Annie to go on a date with me after school" I say and wait for their reactions. It's strange, the girls are jumping for joy, even Johanna, and the boys are smiling at me.

"You will finally tell her that you love her" says Peeta.

"Huh ?" I ask shocked.

"We know you love her Odair" says Johanna.

"How did you find out ?" I ask.

"Annie's aunt warned Katniss by message if your conversation" explains  Glimmer.

"And after she told us" Marvel finishes.

"So you know it. Can you tell me if she's going to say yes or no ?" I ask.

"Finnick, she told you about her past, introduced you to the person in her family she loves the most and you think she will say no ?"

"Thanks Johanna" I say.

We start talking about different things, especially homework, and the girls arrive. When Annie gets out of the car, I can feel butterflies in my stomach. There is one word to describe her, magnificent. My eyes couldn't tear themselves away from her. She approaches with Katniss and I quickly look away, feeling myself blush. That's the problem with Annie, she always makes me feel that way.

Annie's POV

The bells are ringing and we all leave for class. My first hour is history with Mr Abernathy and I go there with Katniss, Johanna and Clove. Today we are talking about an old war which happened I don't know when because I don't listen to the lesson.

At the end of the class, I make my way to the toilet so fast that the girls can't join me, but when I walk in, Delly runs into me, a razor in her hand. I feel my body stiffen at the sight of the object. She starts to walk towards me and I try to run away but I can't, I am frozen.

"Well, well, well, if it's not the little redhead without friends"

"Delly, stop, stop. Why are you doing this to me ?" I ask as I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Because you are weak, without your friends who protect you, you are nothing. I just want you to know where you belong."

I cry out in pain when the device cuts my skin and I feel that I start to see blurry. She lets go of me and I collapse to the floor, unconscious.

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