Chapter 1

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Annie's POV

***BIP***BIP*** My alarm clock goes off and I get up. First day of high school, great (note the sarcasm). I know this year will not be different from my middle school years. I look at my phone and see that there is a message from Katniss.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : Get ready. Jo and I will pick you up in 20 minutes. XOXO

I watch the time. Oh shit ! They will be there in 10 minutes. I put on a black crop top and an ocean green sweatshirt to hide my bruises and high jeans. I decide to leave my red hair free. I take my bag and leave my room as quietly as possible to avoid my parents and my brother. Going through the kitchen, I grab an apple and go out. I see the car has arrived so I run in its direction and enter it.

"Hey girls" I said.

"Hey Annie. Ready for the start of the school year ?" Johanna asks me.

"Not really but I'm used to it now" I lie. I'm really not ready but I know I don't have the choice. Just to warn, the girls don't know that when they're not around I hurt myself.

"Oh, since you're here, Peeta would like that we have lunch with him and his friends. I've already met some of them and they're really nice. So, is it ok ?" Katniss asks. I'm watching Johanna and we're nodding. Katniss's smile is growing. Peeta is her boyfriend since this summer and it's clear that she wants to spend time with him but doesn't want to abandon us.

We arrive at school and go to our locks. But of course, my return could not be normal like other's. I see Delly Cartwright and her gang approach me.

"So, you still decide to come to high school ?" she says with an arrogant smile that makes me want to die.

"Leave me alone Delly" I say, starting to move away, but she holds me back by the arm. Katniss and Johanna put themselves in front of her with lightning eyes.

"Be careful Cresta, your friends won't always be there for you, and when you will be alone, you'll have what you deserve" she says in a chilling tone which send chills down my spine. She says something that I can't hear to her friends and they leave with a sneer.

"Don't worry, we have all of our classes together. We won't let her hurt you." Katniss says.

"If she dares touch a single one of your beautiful red hair, I'll rip her head off" Johanna says and that makes me laugh.

"Thanks girls" I said giving them a hug. "I don't know what I did to deserve friends like you." With that, we go to class all smiles.

Time skip

My morning went pretty well, my classes were good and since the girls were with me all along, Delly and his gang didn't do anything to me, at least not yet. I know they are up to something, but I don't know when.

The bell is ringing, it's lunchtime. We come out of Mr Haymitch's history class and go to the cafeteria. Arrived there, Katniss leads us to a table full of people who for some I had already seen them and others not. The only person I knew was Peeta because Katniss had already introduced him to us.

"Hey Peeta" Katniss says. Peeta gets up and kisses her. Then he turns to us. "Oh yes, so you already know Annie and Johanna" she said showing us.

"Hey" we say at the same time.

"Hey. So girls this is Gale" he shows a tall brown, "Clove," a little brunette, "Glimmer," a tall blonde, "Marvel" a tall brown haired, "Cato," a tall muscular blonde, "and Finnick." he ends by showing a golden haired boy with green eyes. I find him quite cute. Oh pull yourself together Annie, like a boy like that is going to take an interest in a girl like you ! I push this thought out of my mind and stay calm.

We sit down, me between Finnick and Johanna and across from Clove, and start talking. I mostly chat with Clove and Johanna. Apparently she is dating Cato, just like Glimmer is dating Marvel. The only singles around this table are Gale, Johanna, Finnick and me. I catch him looking at me several times, which makes me blush. I don't know why, usually when a boy looks at me I don't care. But there is something different about him. The bell rings and we leave for class.

Time skip

At the end of the day, Johanna and Katniss take me home. I go into my room and lie down on my bed. It wasn't as bad as I expected. But of course I spoke too quickly.


Here we go ! That's the first chapter of my new story. I hope you like it <3

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