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Getting ready as I dressed my self and looked in the mirror, I smiled as I walked out to the dining room to see that my dad had prepared an egg sandwich as my breakfast, "morning dad," I said.

"Morning son," he sips his coffee mug whilst scrolling his phone peacefully. I really appreciate him caring for me as a single parent at a young age. Sometimes I wonder what keeps him going and motivated. Even though we don't have much, he seems to be really happy with me and for me. Maybe, with the money I've earned this week, I could treat him out for food to show gratitude. I'm not scheduled for tomorrow, which grants me free time to spend with my dad. Looking up, I waved at him to get his attention, "tomorrow, we should go out and do something, have lunch or drive around stuff," I suggested with a grin.

He tilts his head, "are you sure?" He says a bit dubiously.

"I thought that since you work so hard for both of us, I thought it would be nice to relax for the next day," I nodded.

Thinking about, my father sighs, "alright, whatever makes you happy," he grins tenderly.


During my lunch break in the back with Kenny and Carla, I noticed how present the fatigue is on Kenny; dark circles beneath his eyes and he acts a bit for quiet. "Are you okay?" I said a bit of worry. Kenny didn't even seem to have noticed that I was referring to him as he continued on with his plain salad. Carla decided to wave her hand in front of him which resulted in her getting an annoyed look from him, "Ethan's asking if you're doing well," she says.

With his eyes slowly turning to me, he sighs, "I would be lying if I am."

"What's wrong?" I murmured, concerned.

With another deep breath, he leans on his hand with elbows on the table, "I got back home at around 10 at night and my parents still somehow manage to loudly argue at such a late time. I fell asleep two hours afterward. Next thing in the morning, they forgot to prepare some breakfast and I was running late for work..." his voice faltered throughout as he broke into a yawn.

Feeling incredibly bad, I couldn't help but express my sympathy for him, "I'm sorry..." Carla held the same expression at him.

Kenny closed his eyes momentarily before pinching the inner corners of his eyes, "it's okay... I'm used to my parents' bullshit," I found it conflicting about what he meant of gotten used to it. That didn't sound good, nor healthy from a family standpoint if it is supposedly a reoccurring routine. Carla seems to be thinking for a moment the considers something as she gives Kenny a look, "Hey Kenny, after our shift ends, wanna hang out?" She says.

Kenny raises an eyebrow, "I still have some work to do in the college.

"I can follow, I just wanna help in some way. You're pushing yourself too much," Carla held his shoulder softly.

Kenny's view lowers, "alright..." he gives in.


Once I got more chores settled in the noon and got dressed, Dad and I got in my car and I start driving us to town. I thought it would be nice if we could watch a movie which is perfect with the selection that is airing around these hours. Dad and I stood at the presented posters ok the brick walls. "Wanna watch this one?" My dad said with a grin as he pointed at a paranormal genre type of film.

Staring at it, I shrugged, "sure," though my father appeared to be baffled by the fact that I agreed to it.

"Oh I was just joking," he chuckled heftily.

"So, what do you want to watch?" I asked again; though, his eyes roamed back at the horror illustration once again which got him thinking. He turns to me with eyes full of reassurance, "are you sure you're okay with watching this?" He says, pointing back to the movie he was referring to.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm treating you remember."

Once we finished the film, it was frightening certain parts, though it didn't leave me nauseated. I quite enjoyed it and so did my dad. "You've grown up buddy," my father grinned as he swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer as we walked back to my car. "So where are we going to next?" He asks. Hearing my stomach grumble and so did my dad, we both looked at each other and knew that we're both hungry.

"Want to go to the food court at the mall?" I said.

"Sure!" He agrees.

Once I parked my car at the bottom level of the mall. We both headed to the elevator to ascend to the second floor where the numerous eating areas are. Maybe one day, I'll be able to bring me and my dad at the highest floor and provide how Noah gives to us. As the door dings, we walked around the place and found ourselves near our destination where the scent of delicious meals filled our senses. "This place smells great," my dad says. We looked around to find a stall that appealed to us and fell in line. Passing by a few people, a girl with shades turns to look at me, "Ethan?" Her voice rang out in a familiar way. We both stop to look at her in confusion. She pulls down her eyewear, revealing more of her face. To my surprise, it's my childhood friend.


THE JOCK JUST WANTS THE NERD [2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن