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Dad came later on and alerted me that the transfer will be in a few hours.

I'm nervous and not feeling well.

He asked if I was doing okay, to which I lied and replied with being fairly fine. We were having a conversation while waiting for the procedure which will occur in a couple more hours. Dad managed to pick up my phone on the way as he said that it was confiscated for investigation. It still remains undamaged and yet fully charged. They were planning to use it to gather information but wanted the owner's consent first as to why dad brought it with him.

Though, I'm absolutely glad I have it back with me. Clutching the object to my heart, I reminisced about the gift that Jackson gave to me. First thing I did was turn it on, and it wasn't a surprise that there were so many missed calls and texts from different people; some ranging from my old group of friends to even Jackson and his buddies. My most recent ones were from Kenny and Carla that was a couple of hours ago. Opening up the messages, all were about concerns of the news lately.

Quickly, I responded to everyone and left a note saying that I'm alive at the moment.

Once that issue was settled, I mainly gave time to read throughout Jack's and could picture how horrified he was. At the moment of scrolling, I was slightly startled by the sudden call I was receiving. Checking the number, it was Kyomi. Dad watched as I glanced at him. With a nod, he motions that he'd keep quiet for the remainder. With a tap, the audio starts with the sound of sobbing from the other side, "Ethan?" Her voice, shriveled.

"Kyomi?" Hoarse and dry.

"Ethan!" Kyomi yelled followed by more disheveled noises.

"Are you okay?" I frowned.

"That's not what matters. What matters is if 'you're' okay!"

Sighing, my fingers played with the fabric of the blanket, "I'm... decent," was what I could say.

There was the sound of a stuffy nose before she talked again, "are you in a hospital? Where?"

"Well, the only place that I cant think of is the one located at the eastern side of the city..."

"I'm so sorry..." she soon became overwhelmed with emotions.

Stunned, I looked back at my device in confusion, "why are you apologizing?"

"I-I don't know. I'm scared for you Ethan. I feel so useless just sitting here not having an idea of what to do," I would describe her breakdown full of distraught as I imagine Kyomi being panicked. Can't be blamed, and it's understandable.

"It's okay..." I murmured with furrowed brows. The entirety consisted of her telling how much she was concerned. I did my best to calm my friend down and reassured. Going into detail, I brought up what would become of me in terms of both the procedure's outcome. I wish to live, but I also don't want to cling into believing too much in hope. Kyomi wasn't pleased to hear that either. But at this point, my life is in the hands of the success of these doctors. We were sending condolences back and forth like it may be possibly the last time we'd have the chance. Although, it seems now we're coming to a close. "Ethan..." Kyomi spoke with such soft words.


The tension from her tone was odd, a subtle shift in the atmosphere, "I-" stuttering. My mouth kept shut, idling to figure out what she's saying.

"Kyomi?" I murmured.

For a while, it was as though she sounded like she was suffocating, I was beginning to act concerned myself until she blurted out,

"I love you..."

And with that, she instantly ended the call.


A nurse came by knocking on the entryway. He alarmed that the blood transfusion will partake in short notice. My heart rate started beating faster, the connected monitor mimicking at a fast pace. Dad saw my reaction and held me, soothingly circling his thumb on my backhand, "shh, it's okay. You'll do great..." a faintly discernible smile on his face.

Controlling my breathing, I shut my sight to embrace the dark. Smothered with a black canvas, my mind projected relieving images. Jackson. The beeping began relaxing to a more appropriate rate. Dad encouraged and kept caressing my hand. "Remember, I'll be with you when it happens," dad adds.


As the clicking tick of the clock hits, another man in white medical clothes enters minutes after. Introducing himself as the doctor, he focuses his attention on me. Predicting my inducing anxiety, the professional states that he'll do his very best to make sure it goes along decently.


With a team of people, I was carefully brought through halls of repetitive lights until we soon reached a room with the same neutral lights.

Dad comes in and laid beside me on a bed with the same expression and faithful grin.

Tools arranged, machines prepared, anesthetics at the ready.

My mind went hazy, and I soon drifted back to sleep.

THE JOCK JUST WANTS THE NERD [2]Where stories live. Discover now