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I walked around the campus, taking in the new territory of Cal University. I applied here for college for numerous reasons: the fact that it was cheaper than other places, the size of this place seemed relatively okay and not that very expanded, and it is only a three-hour drive from my family's house but my parents helped pay for my dorm that I'll be staying in with someone else. I walked around the complex and looked for my room number. Pulling out my documents from my stocked backpack, I explored as hard as I could to find 23 which is my assigned placement. A sign caught my attention to which I went up to read it. To my left. Pulling my roller bag along, the corridors where somewhat narrow but not claustrophobic. Finally standing in front of my door, I took out my keys and inserted it into the doorknob. Pushing forwards on the unlocked door, the room wasn't tight, but it wasn't that big either: two beds being on either side with a window in between and a desk on the right. I saw that my roommate's belongings have already settled on the left part of the room but the person wasn't in here himself. Taking all of my stuff in, I placed them along my empty area. Stretching my back from how heavy my backpack was, I heaved a breath and sat down on my bed. It's honestly unbelievable to be here, independent on my own to study in college. A small pit of tension grew in my stomach which made me feel a bit nervous, but for the most part, I am excited. I planned to enroll in learning agriculture because I love nature and I loved maintaining my family's garden since I was young. Turning to the one single window, I spread the curtains to see a nice view of the college campus. I could see the different buildings, the small plain field of campus grass with other students around, people in groups or even just in pairs just strolled. Then it got me thinking, I'm starting a "new" life here... am I gonna be able to befriend anyone? A crippling thought of being a loner gave me shivers, because, I wanted to at least have someone who I could be comfortable around with. Sighing, I thought of what could be possibly done right now. Before sitting back down, I pulled up the window for some fresh air and took out my phone to check on my social media. I smiled when I scrolled to a picture of Annabel, Brad, and Noah on his account, all together with huge smiles on their faces. It was hard for all three of them when we learned the truth that Annabel kept to herself. It hit them hard, especially for Brad, but was glad that they managed to overcome their problems. Brad and Noah are taking it slow again. Swiping further through more images, nothing really seemed interesting to me so I just stopped. Heaving a sigh, I figured I might as well just unpack all of my stuff and get organized. I unzipped my backpack and brought out my notebooks and papers, placing them on the desk. I slid my roller under my bed as I don't really need to change my clothes right now.

A few minutes have gone by and I have yet to do anything. I thought that maybe I should go familiarize myself in this building. Heading out of the room, I roamed the halls and wandered. I found where the bathrooms were; thankfully the stalls were separated with walls, had doors, and not just curtains which I dreaded. It wasn't that I was insecure about my looks, I am relatively fit, but I just don't want to imagine how easily visible you could be with curtains being your way of access to get in.


I found where the cafeteria was. It took me a few minutes to realize that it wasn't in this same building but the next facility to it. It was slightly smaller than I thought, but I learned that there was also a kitchen area for people to cook their own meals which were a nice addition; though the issue is that I have no idea nor skills on how to cook for my own to save my life. I don't think they provide ingredients though, it's more of a get your own.

Throughout walking around, I haven't talked to a single person. I will admit that my social battery isn't that big and I was more of the type of person to engage in contact if had to... or if I was being held against my will. After a few more times of circling these parts, I decided to just go back for now. Heading towards the dorm, I went back to the same familiar corridors and stood in front of my room. I placed my hand on the knob only to realize that it was locked which I found weird because I remembered that I left it closed only. Before I was going to take my keys, I noticed a sounds coming from inside. I thought that maybe my roommate had returned so a gave a small knock to the door. I dusted myself off and fixed my hair. Hearing footsteps progress inside, I waited as I watched the handle jingle. The moment the door finally opens, My eyes widened in surprise and so did the other guy when we realized each other.

"Jackson?" He said, staring right back at me.


THE JOCK JUST WANTS THE NERD [2]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt