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Here I spun my pencil with my fingers out of boredom whilst attending a seminar. I was trying my best to be attentive, but this shit is almost impossible since the professor has the most monotone voice; plus I was quite distant from him, rows away so it was difficult to hear. My mind remembered yesterday, how I would love to re-live those moments with Ethan again. I slouched on my table while I daydreamed of him; the mall, the ice cream, the phone, and his happy smile afterwards.

After a dull hour, we have finally been dismissed. Walking out of the room, I noticed a few people arranging posters across the corridor. After they had set up and walked away, I took a brief moment out of curiosity to check what it was. From what I've read, it appears that an upcoming college fair is going to be held. "Students who would like to sign up and present a topic of their choice are welcome. As a prize, the winner will acquire the following amount of money."

Fascinated, that did seem fun, but I also felt dubious about it, considering that I'm pretty busy at the time with school and work. Sighing, I'll have to pass on this one.


During my free time, I went to the garden to tend the plants. I would occasionally say hello to my manager when I see him. It wasn't a lie when Ethan mentioned that he would use his phone more often because he would message me a lot more now. Because of that, I get easily distracted, frequently refreshing our conversation and expecting a new text every second. Since he could now send pictures, he's been doing that as well. And dear lord does he looks so damn cute in them; selfies and images of where he would be at the time. Giving him that phone is definitely one of the best decisions I've ever done, but at the same time, he's gonna be my number 1 distraction 24/7.

I tried my best to leave my device along with my shirt that I placed aside and mustered to fight the urge to not bring it out every 10 seconds. Just when I finished up potting some plants, a voice rang out from behind me. "Jackson, is that you?" I turned around to see Kyle with his head tilted, "ah, you weren't joking when you said you really wanted to work here huh?"

"Oh, hey Kyle," I smiled as I wiped the dripping sweat from my forehead using my towel I had wrapped around my neck.

I noticed his eyes scanning my upper body for a moment before returning to me, "oh damn, you're ripped," Kyle chuckled.

Laughing it off, I couldn't help but blush at his comment, "thank you."

"Anyways, I'm here to browse for some plants..." Kyle held his hand on his chins as he looked around.

"Oh really? What are you looking for?" I asked.

With a tap of his finger, his face morphs with interest, "say... Do you have plants called 'peace lilies?' White orchids..."

Recalling the many collections of growths here in the garden, I remembered some at the back area, "ah, I think I know where. Follow me," I said.

"Sure, lead the way stud!" He joked to which a shook my head by grinned with flattery.


After I directed him to where the lilies were, he deeply inspects them before holding the moderate size plant with his hands. "Awesome, I'll pay for it at your office," he nods.

With inquiring thoughts, I wondered what exactly he would do with a plant like that, "so, what's that for?" I asked.

"Ah, this is gonna be for the fair," Kyle replies. I blink at him as he explains further into detail, "so, I decided to do I project on how plants hold certain qualities that help benefit mental health..."

"Mental health you say?"

"Yeah... I'm studying to become a psychiatrist," he states with pride. Of course, another smarty. "I wanted to discuss how plants could affect a person's psychology, but I wanted the topic to have a bit of divergence to make it more interesting. A-anyways, I'm rambling like a lecturer. Let's get this settled now shall we?" He dismisses as he heads to the office. A psychiatrist, huh? Thinking about it, that would explain certain aspects of things. Shaking my head and getting my mind out of the clouds, I trailed behind him whilst snatching my shirt and phone on the way. It would be awkward to walk around topless across the area and into the garden's facility.

As we get our exchange resolved, I handed him his change, "thank you very much, Jackson," Kyle smiles whilst he takes his plant with him.

"Yeah, you too. Have a great day and good luck on that contest too!"

"Oh yeah... are you not participating?" Kyle questioned.

"Heh, sorry, got grades and a job to maintain, right?"

"I see, ok then, you have a good day too!" He turns to walk away before glancing back at me, "Also, if you have your shirt off all day, you're just gonna have girls gawking at you all the time," and with that, Kyle left with a hearty heckle. 

After he had disappeared, my phone notified me of an incoming message. As I opened it to see what it was, It showed a picture of Ethan dining to his lunch with such a happy smile, making me grasp my fluttering chest.

My heart!

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