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I thought I was being delusional, more like "wanted." What I saw was truly unbelievable. The sick bile rising up my throat made me want to vomit. After I saw what Zack had shown me, the three other guys wondered what's wrong and I just dismissed them.

I pardoned to excuse myself, which might make it seem awkward and inconvenient after Damian just apologized, but I'm sure he'll manage throughout. Kenny stepped off as I walked over to the exit of the cafeteria to get some fresh air.

Pacing around outside the facility and around the grasses of the campus. I sent another text message to Zack. "Dude, are you being serious? Please tell me you aren't!"

"I'm sorry, it's no mistake..."

I noticed how my hands weren't completely still, no, my legs were feeling like giving out as well. In the midst of preventing myself from collapsing, my mind went blank and body rushed to the parking lot like it had a mind of its own.

No, please no.

Upon reaching my car, I swung it open and plugged in my keys. Not too long, the engine roars to life and I shut the door to drive over to his apartment.


I froze.

Parked by the curbside close to the scene, my worst nightmare came into view.

Just like in the image, the caution tape strapped across their front porch as investigators surrounded the perimeter. My breathing got heavy with pressure rising within. Shaking my head defiantly, I took my phone out and tapped to call Zack.

Ringing, he picked up in a couple of seconds, "Zack, what happened to him, where is he?!"

"Umm, his dad told me they brought him over to the hospital on the east side of the city. I'm headed there too. Let me send you the address."

Once it was done and set, I shifted gears and sped up as fast as I could.


Following instructions, I gazed upon the establishment that crept with uneasiness. My mouth couldn't help but swallow the lump on my throat. Urging myself, I trudged over to the two sliding doors that part way when I came close. The atmosphere gave off this nauseating influence combined with the ill quietude. When I came across the front desk, someone familiar stood at the front of the clerk. "Zack?" I murmured.

He turns to look at me with a frown, "hey..." muttering.

"Is he okay?" My chest contorted.

"I- don't know..."

Unsure, Zack redirects back to the receptionist as she clicked numerous buttons on her desktop. As the dread lurks in the air, she replies, "room 45, 3rd floor," she advised. Being given more directional info, we thanked her for her convenience as we strode together in search of Ethan.

"You came..." Zack said lowly with a tone of heartache.

"I have to, I need to see him," determination fed my perception to know his order I was almost rushing. Encountering an elevator, I rapidly pinned on the appropriate level number as soon as Zack entered with me. Now, we ascend with the faint rumbling of machinery. My fingers would not stop fidgeting.

When the bell rings, it props open and shows a hall of white walls and multiple rooms. We both scouted for the said number left and right. Our footsteps echoed and filled in the emptiness.

When we found it at the end, the two of us looked At each other before Zack raised a hand to knock on the door.


The thud resonates while we wait.

"Coming," a man's voice emitted from the other side. When the knob turned and opened revealing Ethan's dad, he looks at us in shock before rubbing his eyes and nose.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" A depressed sniffle escapes him.

"Can I... see him?" Pain on my face. Our expressions mirror the same devastation. The most important person of our life witnessed a near-death experience and suffer the outcome. He spoke none but stepped aside for us to access. I went in first while Zack trailed by. There was this curtain that served as a division at the center. When I slowly came into view, I was relieved but at the same time hurt at the sight of him.

At that moment, the universe slowed when our eyes met.

He gleamed...


And then...


I quickly rushed over to him and knelt to the floor. I couldn't handle the mere thought of him crying, and yet my heart dropped.

"Jack... Jack..." he sobbed when I reached out and hugged him. I could feel him digging his fingers from the back of my shirt as he squeezed tighter.

"I'm here..." I whispered, gulping back the sore.

"I missed- you. I was so scared. I-I..." he barely formed words after. Ethan's condition possibly caused intense trauma, maybe. In a pacifying matter, I shushed softly and patted his head. I had almost forgotten that Zack was with us until he accompanied next to me.


We waited a couple of minutes before he calmed down. But, he didn't let go of me, nor did I either; instead, we continued to be locked into each other's comfort. "How are you doing?" Zack sighed.

"N-not so well..." Ethan grimaced, "There's so much going on I can't wrap my thoughts around it," wincing.

His head rested upon my heaving chest. Ironically, his touch simultaneously relaxed me symbiotically. But, curious to know. Peering down to him, "Ethan?" I asked, "what... did they do to you?"

It takes at least a few seconds for him to reply weakly, "I got- stabbed and my bones were fragmented in the process."

The imagery made me cringe, It was hard to picture. Yet, there was this boiling rage when he described it. My fists tense, "I'll punch whoever did that to you-"

"No... you shouldn't," Ethan motioned his head.

"The hell? Why not?" I shot a look at him.

He stares back at me, only to shake again in denial, "I can't explain, but even though he caused my agony, I hold a bit of sympathy for his motive.

There is just no point to it. It just won't fix a thing..."

THE JOCK JUST WANTS THE NERD [2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang