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I somewhat regret suggesting having to come here; though I should have done my research and checked the available movies first, we could have done something else. I hoped at least that Ethan wasn't into these types of things, but he's got more balls than me. Struggling to keep me from having a panic attack, I kept the memory of Ethan just holding my hand for the first time. The way his felt so soft with mine but only for a brief moment, I peered down to his that settled on the armrest between us. It's just right there, if only I could reach it. My urge to just lay mine on top of his was strong, but I couldn't.

I just, can't bring myself to go for it...

"Ohh, it's starting," Ethan whispered with enthusiasm as the lights dimmed down and the screen projected.

Shit, here we go...


Starting off naturally like the few times I've watched movies with the plot progressing slowly. It has a bit of mystery to it, occasionally bloody events would appear. I could handle it, but what makes me uncomfortable were unpredictable scares. Interestingly enough as it continues, I paid close attention to how well the foreshadowing made it more fascinating after realizing. I took a moment to take a sip of the drink's straw to my left while keeping my attention in front of me and that Ethan is too.

Right before me, I watched as the scene unfolded with eerie music playing. I felt my heart thumping, hard enough for me to feel it on my chest. From my peripheral, Ethan appears so fixated and calm, almost as if he was enjoying it. I'm not even playing the tough guy anymore. Just when I least expected, the killer of the movie pops out followed by a bursting sound effect, startling me that my throat shot upwards. By instinct, I hugged the closest thing to me and shut my eyelids tightly with a whimper, "Gaahh!"


"Umm... Jackson?"

Little by little, my vision cleared and I looked to see Ethan's face up close. I had myself wrapped around him. "You... okay?" He murmurs. I felt warm, to think that I could reach out for his hand was unlikely, now my body lunged at him by itself just because of a frightening jump. Mortified, I quickly jolted back to my position properly, hid my face, and cleared my throat, "I'm... sorry."

"It's fine..." I hear him. Cringing, it was unbelievable for me to act like that, gosh how embarrassing. Though, this tension among the two of us subsided when I felt my hand wrapped by the same familiar feeling. My mouth gaped ajar with surprise as I steadily turned to him clasping me. His eyes looked with concern, "Is everything okay?"

Ethan sounded worried for me, but I was so focused on his eyes that I nearly forgot to respond, "y-yeah..."

He gives me a small nod before returning to the screen. There it goes again, the touch I wanted, ironically all it took was for me to be shocked. Ok, maybe this isn't all too bad.


"That was amazing!" Ethan applauded as we got out along with the people who viewed along.

I looked at him like crazy, "h-how? I could barely stop my legs from trembling." Though, I was more unnerved halfway before all that comforting stuff; it did help me feel at ease though. I have my unfinished beverage with me. It was half empty, but my stomach couldn't take much more so I threw it in a nearby trashcan.

The evening was chilly as we both reached my car. I took a huge sigh. Ethan let out a pity laugh, "Still alive?"

"Barely..." I laid the back of my head to the rest of the seat. Regaining my composure, I turned to him, "hungry? I've got a place in mind."

"Yep, sure am," he grins until he pauses for a moment, "Also, for some odd reason, it felt like my soda drained faster than I thought. I only had a few sips and it was rather a big-sized container," Ethan thought curiously.

"Oh really?" I pondered what could be the case; Ethan was sat to my right, nobody was near us. Then I thought: "wait, yours was the one in the middle of us, right?"

He nods, "yeah that one."

A fierce blush melts my face at the realization, "I might have had a few gulps at yours unknowingly..." Ethan falls silent with a look of surprise, "I'm sorry! I messed up!" I apologized, running my hand through my hair. Gosh, why do I screw up when feeling flustered. How could I have forgotten my own pop to my right?

"Don't-" Ethan interrupted.

"H-huh?" I said.

"Please... please stop apologizing," Ethan mumbled, "it's fine Jackson, there's no need to always feel sorry..." he carries this sensation of sympathy. My tension was smothered by his caring behavior, he's so genuine and compassionate. The stiffness I had softened, my being soothing down. He's just, a very lovely guy. After that, the car remained quiet for a while before his stomach grumbles. "Woah, heh," he chuckles, lifting the mood.

"Ah, that's right," I nodded and turned on the ignition, "welp, I think I can help you with that," I wink at him as I start driving us to the place. It was starting to get dark but it wasn't as late to the point that Ethan needs to get home. Passing by, the lights of town shined around us. I would glance at him periodically to see him watching outside the window. A longing gaze at him as I wish I could see him so happy all the time.

I just wish he could feel the same way as me.

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