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"I was wondering, would you like me to ride with you or meet up at a certain spot?" My text was sent as I stood out of my car in the parking lot.

Not after 15 seconds, he gave a voice message. Playing it, I heard him speak through my phone, "ah, maybe I can pick you up at your place?" He said. Now that I think about it, that was the first time I've ever received a voice message. I was so used to calls with continues conversation that an audio recording seemed much more convenient. I smiled and replied with a thumbs up. With that, I got in my car and drove home.


Minutes have passed and I have myself waiting by the road. Dad wanted to remind me to come home at the promised time. Sitting down by the sidewalk, the area sounded off with me murmuring a melody. Then, the rumbling noise of a car slowly progressed as I looked up to see it stop by. Its door opens up and out comes Jackson with a grin. I stood up and smile as I watched him approach me. He looks charming as always, but what definitely caught my attention was how his shirt defined his body so well. Before I knew it, Jackson noticed me staring at his physique with curiosity, "erm, my eyes are up here," he chuckles, referring to his face.

"O-oh, sorry about that," I mumbled.

Jackson blinks, having a moment of thought before a grin grows on his face, "Nah, that's fine," his expression softens, a hand placed at the back of his neck and rubs, "by the way, I was pretty bored after finishing up my schoolwork and had nothing to do afterwards, so I wanted to be with you since it's been a while..."

"No problem, I like being around you too," I agreed.

"You know, after that one time going to that Karaoke bar unprepared, I made sure to come up with ideas on what to do while getting here."

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"W-we could go out to see a movie, if you're cool with that," his demeanor appeared slightly bashful but also held just a bit of confidence. I don't usually watch, but it would be nice to do so. I've missed out a lot so I couldn't let the chance slip. "Sure! I would love that!" I smiled joyously.

Jackson felt the same mood, his expression mirroring the same as I complied.


Though his happy look faltered into nervousness as I pointed at the movie house's selection of films; those posters that hang just outside the walls of this place. They don't seem to have any in the comedic or slice of life genre, only horror and thriller of the sort. I wanted to experience it so I picked out the one the seemed the most appealing to me. The poster of the movie looked scary, with all the serial killer stuff, it really did seem intimidating. "Uh-uhh..." Jackson murmured, he wasn't fond of our options.

"I wanna see this," I turned to him as he had a look of uncertainty.

"I- M-maybe we can do something else instead," he chuckled, though his tone projected obvious fear.

I frowned, "well, we're here already, it would be a shame if we decided to change plans all of a sudden..." I stared at the ground, wondering what could be done about this. Sighing, I glanced back at him and reached out to grab his hand. His eyes widened as I pulled both of us towards the entrance, "E-Ethan?!" He stutters with a gasp.

"Well, there's no shame in being scared. I'm here for you to latch on if it's too much," I grinned at him.

Jackson's mouth couldn't utter a word as if he was too in shock, his eyes wandered to our clutched hands and his mouth pursed. I felt him hold me tighter, nodding at me timidly, "o-okay," he mumbles, focus still remained at our intertwined fingers. It's as if my grasp has calmed him down. I smiled. That being settled, we began waiting patiently as the line fell shorter and shorter. Eventually, we make it to the front and paid for our treats and admission before heading towards our designated room. It wasn't packed, or more specifically, there were only a few other people in here with us. I guided us down the aisle and waved at the very center. Jackson let out a groan, "ugh..." he whines.

"Aww, come on, it'll be fine," I gestured at him. Head low, he trudges himself closer to me. Taking our seat, my drink between us while Jackson had his on the other side of his seat. Settling down for a few more minutes, I ask Jackson, "do you not like scary stuff?"

He stays silent before breathing out, "I just... no, I hate horror, so much," his teeth gritted, pouring with anxiety, "this isn't how I imagined we'd spend our time," he pouted.

I let out a chuckle as I patted his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, "sorry for dragging you, I just 'wanted to watch a movie badly' and spend time with you."

Under the moody lighting of this room, his eyes managed to twinkle with appeal. He closes them and leans back on his seat as if preparing for a bumpy ride, "dear everything please help me survive."

I let out a laugh until the ads start playing on the screen.

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