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Damian and I spent the last few minutes studying, asking questions, and sharing ideas. We didn't want to be bothered by the mini fridge's buzz so we changed location to the college library instead. I did my best to be attentive, but my train of thought would always direct back to Ethan. My hearing drowned out the noise when daydreaming that I hadn't noticed him snapping his fingers, "bro."

I shook my head, blinking, "a-ah, sorry."

Damian gives me a quizzical look, "maybe yesterday got you too relaxed," he sighs.

Trying to get back into our session, we manage to make some progress; hopefully, this was worthwhile and stays long enough for me to put it to the test. Just then, from the corner of my eye, I saw Kyle pass, skimming through the bookshelves close by. He notices me and sends  a wave and a smile. Giving a quick glance back to the array of volumes, he pulled one out, checked to see if it was what he's looking for, and then proceeded towards us. Obviously aware of Damian's appearance, he did a well job at ignoring him on the sidelines. "How are you? It's been a while," Kyle chuckles, a massive tome handled within his grasp.

"Sort of stressed, exams are way different than high school," I grumbled.

He shakes his head, "yep, it's a pain. Should get used to it for 2-4 years though," laughing, he scratches his cheek, "oh, by the way, I manage to get first place on the college fair and received a $500 award," a shine of pride radiated.

"That's awesome, what do you plan on doing it?"

Tapping his foot, lowering his head, and letting out a grumble, "er, well I was gonna give it all to Kenny actually. Heard his bike got wrecked and I offered to help him out. Of course, he didn't want to feel guilty by taking my generosity."

"Is he okay?"

The one who spoke wasn't me, rather it was the third party. Both our heads faced Damian appearing concerned. Kyle on the other hand was utterly confused. With a frown, he shuffles at the spot, "never really been fine, to be honest. Guy's always been struggling. I try to help as much as I can, though he's got tall walls built around him." Damian's brows furrowed with sympathy.

Before some sort of uncomfortable tension forms, Kyle grins and excuses himself, "Anyways, I need to do my own reviews, see you," he smiles then finds himself leaving out of here. Watching him disappear, I couldn't help but notice Damian's sight glued to the exit. Later on, breathing out and returns to his notes. Figuring that it wasn't my place to speak. I decided to keep shut and just went on with reading.


When we had finished up, Damian said he needed to quickly attend to his job for today in a bit. With spare time in hand, I wanted to ask Ethan if he wanted to spend some time together. Things are changing, and I wanna see where it takes my relationship. Entering the contacts, I searched for his number. Even though my thumb was trembling, hesitant to tap and call him, there shouldn't be a reason for fear if I'm aware that he likes me. Sucking up the courage, my dial rang for a few seconds before he picked up, "hi Jackson," the aura fueled by happiness flowed through the speakers.

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much, I'm almost done with break and I need to get back soon."

With a bashful rub to the neck, I went for it, "so, wanna hang out together after work?" Finger crossed.

"Yeah, of course, I just need to send Kenny home afterward!"

And with that, we established our plans and ended the call.


The wait was very anticipated but our time to meet up was almost close. Just a while ago, I had picked up some roses in the garden and formed a bouquet. Using a bit of my earning, I paid them to my manager but said that there isn't a need to since I took very well of tending the place. Ethan told me to wait around the campus and said that he would pick me up. It was also mentioned that Kenny will be coming along with him for a moment to grab some stuff. Standing by the sidewalk where I was visible, I heard the sound of footsteps nearby. Turning, it was Damian, a duffle bag of gym equipment over his shoulder. Must have been done with working out. "Hey, dude, watcha doin out here," He says

A twinge of embarrassment, I snuck the flowers behind me, "oh uh, it's nothing man."

He shakes his head, "no need to hide those from me," pity in his tone, "I came by to say hi while I was passing around here. By the way, got a date?" A playful grin on his face as he eyed my colorful gift.

There's no longer a point in hiding my intentions, "y-yeah, I guess."

"Is it that one guy I bumped to that other time? I just get the feeling. You gotta admit he looks cute," Damian jokingly laughs as he starts predicting.

Just then, another person appeared, when then we noticed Kyle again, "oh, hey," I waved at him.

"What are you guys doing?" He questioned. My eyes sight caught the attention of the same book he had checked out this morning.

"I'm just waiting for someone."

Coincidentally, our numbers just kept growing and growing. In the distance, a recognizable car came rolling down the road. Soon, when the passengers got out of the car, I smiled at the view of Ethan, "hey!" beaming at him and went for an embrace. Both of us were pretty happy to see each other, but it's as though we contrast a particular pair who dread at the sight of one another.

A sigh erupted, "Oh great, it's you," Kenny's piercing glare shot right at Damian.

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