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Days after Ethan's assault

Kenny wasn't sure if the intention of bringing himself back to the police station was a good thing for his mental health, but apparently, he had heard news that his dad is currently being been held to custody and that today is his last few hours before being transported to an official prison. The boy's stomach churned at the unimaginable thought, but his father requested that he wanted to speak to the son lasly before so.

Kyle had brought Kenny over with a ride. And though he may be the best friend, Kenny thinks he'd rather much have Ethan accompany to a place such as this. Staring at the front entrance, feet planted on the concrete sidewalk. Glancing back at the car, Kyle promises to wait and park somewhere else even after Kenny told him it might take a while.


"Hey there," Ethan's dad: Henry, who the fellow learned the name of, greeted him with a handshake upon entering. Noticing Kenny's timid movements, the major lays a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry for you enduring this, and I'm aware that this is all too overwhelming," he speaks comfortingly to try and soothe him. With the police officer directing the boy, the two walk down through long multiple halls, passing deeper into more anxiety-inducing rooms.

They then reach the "visiting area" in which the place was divided by a glass barrier and individual chairs parted about a meter away from each other. On the other side, there, his father patiently sat and made eye contact with me. His mood held no anger, annoyance, but regret. Aside from that, Henry has his arms crossed as if though the sight of the convict seems to piss him off.

The atmosphere was thick and unnerving. Kenny slowly stepped forward and sat himself in front. He didn't know what to say exactly. For an entire minute, the kid's mind was blank, unable to converse. Though, the father beat him to it and initiated, "I'm sorry..." Kenny perked up to him watching with sympathy, "I am so sorry..." sounding off through the thin transparent wall whilst Kenny remained silent.

Frowning, even though he apologized, what exactly could the son reply with?

"Dad..." was all he could utter.

"This is the price I have to pay... and, I just- I'm..." the father sighs.

"Your mother may not be here, and I don't know where she is right now. But, we've always wanted to say that we're incredibly sorry for everything that we've done..."

That word kept repeating over and over, genuinely taking accountability for his actions.

"She isn't- here?"

"No..." the emotions of his expression drained into despair, his shell and interior broken that remained a husk. Yet, Kenny was feeling conflicted and mixed simultaneously. He doesn't know whether to feel pity or displeased. Suddenly, Henry came over to his side, the same irked look remained. They both glanced at the man who muttered, "before you get into detail, I think you should tell him another crime you committed which led to your capture," sneering.

Kenny blinked and returned the attention to his father who felt even more guilty, "what?..." slouching in disappointment.

For a while, his dad just had his mouth sealed which only angered the officer further, "tell him you fucker!" Slamming his palm onto the only glass which is the only thing preventing further violence between them. The younger jolted from his seat from the unexpected outburst.

"I..." he closed his eyes as to avoid his kid's gaze, turned to the side, and murmured, "I-I was the one who attacked his son..."

A cold shiver struck Kenny from the back, spreading up to the spine until he froze. Although he was more shocked to feel enraged at all, Mr. Henry was rather the one showing fury instead. "I- can't believe it..." there was a loud ringing in his ears that raised in volume, almost blocking out every sound while he started receiving tunnel vision. The facts just really hurt; to think his parents would be capable of doing such horrible things...

"Kenny..." a man's voice rang out.

Clasping tight hands together, this was all too much for Kenny to handle. Legs just started rising up on their own, ready to sprint out of here in order to reject more horrible truths.

"Wait!" His father yelled out, making Kenny stop in his tracks. He didn't spin to look at him, though kept a low head. "I know you're frustrated and afraid, but please, before you leave there's just one more thing..." fading at the end of his sentence.

Kenny's fists were clenched and soon released to avoid growing tension.

"It's no longer a secret that your mother and I are involved in a drug chain. Under the control of a dangerous and anonymous group that we somehow got ourselves tied to..."

The poor boy wanted to ignore, ignore it all and leave the past life behind to focus on the future.

"... but I need to warn you. I fear things won't ease, at least not yet. Our consequences and karma mat occur numerous times, and those associated with the organization will not rest until persons such as we, are dealt with..."

Rotating towards him, lips pursed and teeth gritted, "so what, I still have to keep my guard up?"

He didn't even need to part his lips nor nod his head. It was all in his face that Kenny must keep careful. At this point, he couldn't be bothered to stay, so he just left without a word. As of result, the two men remained alone in the room. What only sounded was the ticking clock somewhere around. "Mr. Henry..." Kenny's father mumbled.

The officer glares, then heave a heavy breath and hand placed on his forehead, "yes Trent?" A brow raised.

"Please keep an eye on my boy. The world is dangerous for him to be alone. I can't take care of him anymore, so please..." Trent pleaded desperately.

Time is nearing and in a few moments, Trent is about to be sent over to jail. Fredrick grumbles, though he hates the guy's guts with a passion, he can't say no to protect Kenny, "I'm not doing this for you, for 'his' sake," he grunts.

It was all Trent could hope for. And even if Kenny may or may no longer hold dear for his father in his heart, Trent still loves his son forevermore.

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