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A brisk wind passed, bristling nearby leaves of trees. The five of us are aware of the unsettling vibe arising. Kenny didn't want to bother any further and headed towards the person who was keeping a particular book in hand. He takes it from the person's hands, receiving it, "Thanks Kyle," he nods before returning to my car without another word.

"Oh uh, take care I guess," Kyle's faltered manner felt indifferent as he just stiffened. I looked at Jackson, unsure of what to do exactly. With a clear of his throat, he just blurts out, "welp, we've gotta go now, see ya," grinning awkwardly as he waves goodbye to them. Taking my hand, we then proceeded to our respective seats in the vehicle.

"Oh, umm, bye," Damian frowns.

Shutting the door, Kenny clutches the seatbelt whilst setting aside his belongings to the bottom near his feet. It seemed sort of rude with those rushing actions, but what is to be expected? Pursing my lips, my vision drifted to the front mirror and watched Jack through it. He gave me a shrug, not sure of a situation such as this as well. Turning to the windows, I could see Damian and Kyle part ways within a minute. This was quite the unusual encounter.


As he preferred, I had the radio turned off as to keep the place silent during our expedition. "Kenny, you seem to be on edge," It couldn't be helped. I was sort of curious, this eerie grudge produced an atmosphere. Ominous. Jackson felt visibly uncomfortable as well.

"Ethan..." Kenny lets out a low grumble, acting as though not wanting to speak out.

"Just- wondering," I sighed.

His head was rested upon the glass to the side. A sneer, a wince, then eventually bellowed. What would have been a silent ride back home turned into a rant. Biting his thumb which was placed at the bottom of his lip, he retorts,"he's just such an annoying fuck," voice raging with malice.

"Woah, Kenny..." Jackson examined, shocked yet somewhat blinded with empathy.

"Sorry, but I just can't with him," sharp air exited through his gritted teeth. Staring at him, from my peripheral, a raindrop landed upon the window beside, catching my attention.

"Geez, it looks like it's gonna rain," Jackson mentioned, inching closer to peak out at the graying sky.

With an observing gaze upon the passing scene outside, he lets out a heavy breath. Narrating with crossed arms, Kenny trudged down memory lane to tell an anecdote.

"Some time at the middle of Freshman year at TopStar high, there was a circulating rumor where a girl named Annabel was dating one of the popular jocks at school, Ashton is what he's called I believe. To the point, it was an interesting topic discussed which reached Damian. As portrayed by his character, he wouldn't let an opportunity like this pass to joke with them...

One day, in the middle of the faculty's commons room, there was a packed group of students, rather it seems like they were watching something at the center. I could barely peer through everyone's shoulders as I was at the outermost circle of everyone's huddle. But the voices were distinct and identifiable, "it's a joke dude! Heh, I was just playing with her. Of course, the dating stuff was just bullshit," Ashton remarked. Damian argued with a laugh. I don't remember exactly the reasoning for the spark of that outburst.

Eventually, I heard that Annabel and Ashton broke up soon as that fiasco of an event happened. Next year, she left, along with her friend Noah. Well, That's what I heard from the gossip..." Kenny shook his head with disappointment. Blinking and awe, both Jackson and I were quite surprised with the puzzling storyline. He continues on for a bit,

"you know, it's not even him pissing me off from time to time that gets me. Hell, I receive enough of that at home. It's the fact that Damian's just such a dick in general to everyone.

Even to her..."


Afterward, I stopped by at his place again, dropping him off at the location. When he ended the impassioned chat, Jackson did his best to console him. Whether it helped or not, letting out the emotions possibly did a favor for Kenny just the slightest bit. "I- I apologize that you had to hear all that," Kenny's gloomy face lowered downwards to where his hands were folded on top of his lap. Soon, straightens up to a better posture and getting himself out of his unhappy state. "Thanks for the drive as always..."

"Oh no problem, glad that you got it out of your system?" I asked.

Placing his fingers on the knob to unlock, he opens it and steps out, "sorta," just before getting off, he notices Jackson at the backseat and eyes at him, "use protection," with that, considerately shuts the door in a mild fashion. From where I could see, just as he turned, he held a smirk with a snicker whilst walking to his house under the growing drizzle. Hopefully he didn't get too drenched from it.

"W-wha. K-Kenny! It's not like that!" A bursting roar expels out of Jackson's throat. Rotating to the back to check on him, he was pretty red, tips of his ears burning, matching the crimson clusters of fresh roses. I let out a light giggle at him. Cooling down, he regains his composure. "Ah, About this," raising the sweetly scented posy, he held a shy look, "they're for you. It's typical, but I figured it would be nice as a present."

Reaching out, I wrapped my hand around the base handle of it to which he gave to me. A blush reaches me and I buried my face upon the soft petals, "thank you, I love them."

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