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This isn't a dream anymore, right? Please don't mess with me, brain. His touch felt so real, his voice sounded authentic. "R-really?" It was so hard to believe.

"I've been contemplating hard about everything. This isn't a lie, I've liked you for so long now," his fingers gripped my shirt, shaking, heart racing and palms sweating. I blinked as my lungs gave out. The serene ambiance of his apartment soothed, making me limp. Body almost dropped as I slumped on Ethan, close to fainting because the feeling in my legs left me numb. "Woah!" Wobbling over to the sofa, I plopped on top of the cushions with him sitting beside me. Chest heaved and hand clutched. Turning to him, he gave a brilliant smile.

"No joke?" Still apprehensive but starting to grin.

"What would you want me to do to prove that I'm serious?"

Smirking, I turned a cheek and pointed at it with a brow raised. Ethan stared and got the picture. Leaning, he places his lips and closes the gap. My mind went blank and as I felt him press. The sensation wanted me to melt from overwhelming joy. He pulls back, "reminds me of when we had our first kiss," chuckling.

Confused, I didn't realize this was our second, "huh, what do you mean?"

"Remember when you were dared during Noah's party?"

Recollection flashes as I remembered. When Liam planned that we were going to celebrate at Noah's place, we eventually played truth or dare. I was ordered to peck Ethan on his cheek. At the time, it was rather embarrassing, but looking back at it made me think ironically. Heckling, just now hitting me with the reality that he likes me back! Hands were shaking and there was the feeling of something trickling down my face as I sniffled. "Jackson?" It was the other's turn to feel concerned as he gently places his palms to the sides of my head. Making me turn to look at him, "why are you crying?" He frowns.

"I-I'm just so glad..." my throat could barely speak a word out it was so hoarse. I lunged at him, engulfing him with a constricting hug as I was completely submerged in emotions. Letting it all out, weeping loudly in the no longer silent room. Ethan softens as he returns the comfort, patting. The two of us settled with folding into each other's warmth.


Wiping away the tears, I recovered and calmed down while beaming. Ethan too was very please as he snuggled to my neck. Breathing, relieved with every moment right now. "Ah, I have something for you," he perks up with a snap of his fingers. Tilting my head, I watched him get up from his seat and marched away to his room. Returning, he had a plastic bag and pulled out a particular object from it. Handing the thing over to me, my face couldn't burn any much further as I realized what he got: The fucking manga I was looking for, more specifically, "a romance BL story." Body moved so fast as it was snatched away from his grasp. Arms clung the book to my torso, preventing him from getting a closer look at it. Ethan doesn't seem to have noticed, "hmm, you wanted that right? Calling back to when we were at the mall, you were so interested that I thought it would be nice to give a gift. Thankfully managing to snag the last one before running out"

"Y-yeah! I really love it, thanks..." I mumbled, sweat poured down profusely.

"Anyways, 'been a year now. Thought I'd tell you how my feelings are since you did as well..." lacing his fingers with mine, thumb caressed.

Blinking with a sigh, "why now if so?"

Ethan's head lowered, "I just learned to finally accept myself."


We stood by at the front stairs of the building. As much as I didn't want to, I had to go back to prepare for the exams. Ethan gave one last hug. The heat between us caused me to flutter, head laying on top of his which rested on my chest. "Good night Jack, " he whispers oh so slightly, a tingle ran up my spine. Parting, I wave him at him with a smile and stepped down to the sidewalk. Even though I was starting to leave, it couldn't help to repeatedly glance back at him. He was still there, watching and giggling every time my head turned. Reaching the car, I signed a heart at him, Ethan responding the same way as we showed hands forming some cutesy gestures. Smiling, finally getting in and drove past the quiet neighborhood. The sound of rushing engines echoed.

When I returned to the dormitories, all I could think about was driving back to him immediately. Only having to just come back, Ethan is all that I want right now. Entering the facility, body was tired but mind is fueled with a dreamy feeling. Making way to the room, door opens and Damian looks at me from the bed, "you're here pretty late," commenting. Humming, I just collapsed on my mattress and nestled to it. Plummeting my face to a pillow I grabbed with, a happy roar followed by a laugh was suppressed by the plush object. Legs were flinging with giddiness. "You okay dude?" Damian was a bit weirded out by my behavior.

I turned to him with a fist to the air, "never been better bro!"

He smirks with a finger placed on his chin, "already getting over what's been bothering you?"

With a nod of a head, life had not felt this great before. When it was time to sleep, it was the easiest thing to do while being comforted by the thought of Ethan.

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