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For an odd reason, Damian seemed quiet than usual, more on upset. Tomorrow is our exams and we're trying our best to cram as much information as we could. He had his earphones on, staring at his book whilst sat on the opposite side of me. We came back to the same spot we were at in the library. I didn't know why, but he had barely spoken throughout the entirety of when we first arrived, "something bothering you dude?" I asked, settling down my pen and papers.

He peers up to me and takes out one of his earphones, "nothing really," he sighs.

"Bullshit, you don't just brush it off and breathe out at the end like that."

Damian's eyes lowered to his text before resting his chin on his hand. A pout forms, "I dunno man, I just feel guilty about Kenny."

So this is what's about.

"Why oh so sudden?"

He avoids my gaze to the side, "Well, I wanna change. Moving to college, growing up, learning new things, I gained a better perspective and I wanna dump the old me and become better, ya know? I've been this shitty person back then, and Kenny is a reminder of my old self. I wanna fix it and help him..." Damian portrayed regret, shown not just on his eyes, frown, or face, but his entire body. His thumbs twiddled and shoulder slumped. I get what he's saying. Showing remorse but still has the damage following from behind. But the problem is, Kenny isn't the forgiving type. He has this stone-cold personality solidified with barriers. It's hard to talk to him. Though it was ironic that the first impression I have of Damian was that he's a jerk, same as how Kenny still sees him. Now, Damian wants to mend the grudge but Kenny refuses to acknowledge his development. It was troublesome.

With a sigh, he shakes his head, "let's just, keep on with the learning. No use in being sad over this," recovering his attitude, he redirects his regards to his display of papers.


After hours of cramming, we were finally kicking off. The majority of questions we've brought up that are supposedly in the test were answered correctly. The two of us gave a massive high five to our accomplishment. I checked the time and saw that my shift in the garden was nearing. The two of us packed up our belongings and headed out of the faculty. "Yo, mind if I tag along. I wanna see what you do at your little garden," Damian chuckles with a hint of teasing. I roll my eyes at him as we pass through the doors of this place. When we made it out completely to the open areas, both of us saw the clouds shade with gray. There wasn't a ray of sun in view and the moisture in the air felt dense, "looks like it's gonna rain," Damian pointed out, glaring at the murky sky. We didn't have an umbrella so we just speed-walked to the plot area as quickly as we could. Thing is, if it was going to get wet on the outside, it shouldn't be a problem which it can take care of the plants that need watering. Then, I'll focus on the task indoors instead which only involves having to prepare fertilizer, rearrange some flowers, cut out dead stems, and other stuff. "Don't blame me for getting bored," I gave a heads up to him.

He shrugs, "eh, sure whatever," with a grin.


"I'm fucking bored."

Damian didn't even last 10 minutes until he was lazily lounging around on one of the lawn chairs that was put up. I shook my head with a low grumble, "don't you have anything else to do?" I shot a leer at him while tending the place.

He scratches his head, "nope. I heard that they were doing some remodeling today at the gym so I can't enter. Not allowed," body slouching down on his seat, legs protruding. Letting out a low grumble, he disctracts his tedious feelings by asking questions, "Anyways, that kid who picked you up from yesterday..."

I stared at Damian who was whistling a tune, "what about him?"

"Oh nothing much, just speculating-"

The racket of a door opening disrupts and our heads turn to see Kyle entering, scanning around before looking for us, "ah, thought you'd be here."

Approaching, I set down the items I had on my hands, "what's up?" I raised a brow.

"Any of you seen Kenny, or at least heard from him?"

Damian and I snuck a glance at each other before giving a shake of our heads, "not really, we've been in the library most of the time.  Grabbed a bit of a snack at the canteen during lunchtime, other than that, we haven't seen him," I shrugged in confusion.

Kyle lets out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't seem particularly tense, maybe just slightly worried. "Something wrong?" Damian budged in.

"I know he has work, but it should be up until 2:00 for today. It's been 2 hours already and we were supposed to meet up at the library to study. I tried messaging him since this morning and he never replied at all..." his foot was tapping impatiently and arms were crossed. The sound of drizzling hit the windows of this building and we all turned to check. The atmosphere rumbled when it sounded like thunder was echoing outside. I don't know why, but there was this ominous and dreadful pit in my stomach. I cannnot tell why, but I just feel it.

I feel like something bad is going to happen.

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