92 - end

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Since yesterday, Kenny, Carla, and I had done a little bit of prior shopping.

The entire period, the three of us have been discussing about a particular thing that I thought I should give to Jackson. They've been pushing me to do so since the time I've purchased it, yet I'm just a little bit nervous, procrastinating with thinking when the perfect time may occur.


I was already saying my goodbyes to everyone, waving at them as I hopped out whilst Kenny too who sat next to the door. But, when I reached halfway on the porch stairs, Jackson's voice called out. For a moment, we all paused and watched as he opened the door. Sneaking a quick glimpse at Damian as if searching for confidence, he soon follows and stands at the bottom of the steps. His right arm seems to be grasping or hiding something behind his back. Though, judging from the expressions of Kenny and Carla who have their eyes spread with perplexity and shock, I have no idea what to expect.

I focus back at Jackson appearing frankly anxious. Clearing his throat, he starts, "Ever since that time we had our first kiss, you sparked something inside me that I could never get rid of..." Jackson takes a second to bring forth his arm that held a small container, more specifically a pretty box.

"A year later, we both meet again at that restaurant, and so my heart began to melt with joy when I saw you. Umm... Ethan, it's pretty obvious that I've fallen for you, I mean "really" fell, and I can never deny my feelings. You understand me for who I am, and made me the happiest man I am today." As we are only a foot apart, my eyes drifted on the item as he opens it to reveal a ring.

Kyle, Kenny, and Carla gasped all in unison, the girl almost screaming but clasped her mouth to avoid creating a screech that would echo in the dark peaceful neighborhood. "No way..." Kenny wheezed in immense bewilderment. But I too shared the same sense as Jackson smiles at me with his fingers gently picking the precious jewelry, "I-I want to give you this, a promise ring..."

The more I fixated on the shiny details, the more I thought to myself, "how lucky I am to be alive."

My body almost involuntarily moved on its own, hand reaching down my pocket to bring out my own surprise. "How... coincidentally funny..." I laughed.

Jackson blinked, taken back to what I said, "what?" He mumbled until he saw what I held with on my palm.

"I actually bought a promise ring for you too..." I held out said ring for him to witness. He freezes, almost as if in-comprehensive of what is happening.

This time, Damian joins in with the frenzied audience, "no fucking way!" He yelps out in a fiasco.

All of us had not predicted such a fated turn of events. As Jackson and I share glances of each other and the rings, he shoots his arms to wrap around my waist and lift me up. He bursts out chuckling, at this point disturbing the quiet night. "Y-you got me one too?!" A tone of pure awestruck in his tone.

"I guess this means we both must keep our promises..." I smiled.

As the moonlight flows down like a ballad from a movie, our joyous laughter reverbs amongst the distance. Our friends watch with endearment as the two of us spun in each other's arms.

A story in which our love concludes with an oath in the future, represented by a band of gold that we separately thought deeply to give the other.

Who knew, that no matter what was thrown in our direction, with multiple obstacles and death-defying struggles, we persevered to clutch onto the desire to be together.

The commotion must have alarmed my dad as we heard the sound of a door opening, "ah geez there you are. It's already late and we might get a complaint," he sighed.

"Dad, you always know when to interrupt the scene," I pouted.

"Oh, sorry," Dad rubs the back of his neck as he leans patiently upon the door frame. Jackson and I gave each other a look then towards the rings again. Raising our hands, I slowly slip the ring I bought onto his finger while he did the same to mine. Cherishing the wonderful prominence, I snatched a fast and kiss to Jackson's lips while he was off guard. His cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. Giggling at his stunned expression, my legs swiftly jolted to the top of the stairs with my dad. "Goodnight Jack!" I beamed.

Jackson grins and waves at me with sincerity, "Goodnight Ethan, Next time, I'll bring you to an awesome date!" Smirking with excitement as he retreats to his car where everyone witnessed. As he starts parting away along the road, his window is open and I raised to fingers pinched together that formed a heart. Though he may not tell what I'm implying, nor could he see my gesture very well, I know our connection is strong for him to surely realize what I mean.

And so, as we end this chapter, another beautiful start anew...

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