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Pulling over, I stared out at the coincidence. Both of us exited, Jackson hurried over in order to open the door of the restaurant for me. The sound of Hispanic music played from inside. I thanked him for his generosity while he gives me a smile. Then, I figured that a familiar face would be around here, "Woah! It's for quite some time huh?" Liam exclaimed.

"Hey dude," Jackson nodded.

"Hi, Liam!" I waved at him sweetly.

"Now this-" he refers to Jack and me, "isn't something I would expect."

"Anyways, we're here to have dinner," Jackson says with hands-on-hips. Liam complies as he motions us to follow him. We were then assigned in the middle area of the restaurant, the table holding for 2. We then received a menu folder from him with an assortment of Spanish cuisine. Well mannered, he excuses himself, "just holler when you're ready guys," he says before tending to other customers. It's quite nostalgic actually. Even though it's only been over a year, to those days when we were all closer together, it does brings me back.

Jackson shuffles into his pocket, "So, order whatever you want, I brought my wal-" before he could even finish that darn sentence. I knew what he was about to say and leaned over the table while maintaining a finger hovering over his mouth. He blinks dumbfoundedly. "I brought my own money, let me pay this time," I muttered.


"No buts, Jackson," I sighed and went back to my place, "that's another thing I want you to stop making a habit. I don't want you to keep spending your hard earnings on me all the time. I-it, it makes me feel spoiled and bad. Please, let me, this time..." It's just like Noah all over again. I respect everyone's charity, but for once, I want to be the one giving. Jackson saddened, though as if he showed remorse. But then he sighs and understands, "okay, alright."

With that, I thanked him. After so, we decided to enjoy each other's company for a bit. I expressed how I appreciated the surge of intensity during the feature. I had forgotten how it feels to have good adrenaline in a while. It was also quite amusing, how endearing Jackson is how he had himself clinging to me the entire time in the movie house. He really hates horror huh? "I saw that you got Instagram," Jackson showed me his phone along with my recent account on it.

"Yep, I'm still getting used to it," I admitted.

He chuckles, "that's nice, I'd like to see more pictures in the future," nodding as his finger scrolls through. His eyes reflected on his device, concentrated when his expression changes. Minutes later, reading and skimming, Jackson shook his head, "what's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Geez, have you heard of that drug incident a few days ago?"

Recalling, I was informed, "I'm aware, my Dad told me about it."

"Well, a news article announced that there was another occurrence that has possible ties to it," he sighs.

"That sounds terrible," I frowned.

"Yeah..." Jackson gave it a bit more time to observe it before placing his phone down. He figured that it was inappropriate to set the mood like this. When we had our orders prepared, we got Liam's attention to list down our food. Jackson asked for the evening chicken specialty with just water while I went for classic barbacoa with rice and a glass of horchata. "Cool, I'll be back with your guy's order."

As Liam left, Jackson has himself fumbling his thumbs together. I was just waiting patiently. "Hey umm... Ethan?" He murmurs.

Tilting my head, "yeah?"

"Erm... how do I, put this?" His finger bashfully scratches his cheek, eyes diverted and avoiding my direction, "I'm just curious, you don't have to answer, but... have you ever gone on a date before?"

There it goes again, people seem to be so interested in my non-existent love life, "no, actually. I've never had one, being in a relationship nonetheless."

Jackson raises an eyebrow with an appearance of hope to something, "really?" He sounded astonished, perhaps happy as well for some reason? It was quickly hidden with another impression like he was trying to hide it, "uhh, yeah, really," I was somewhat confused.


Moments later, Liam came back with our delicious-looking meals. Often I would get used to seeing mouth-watering dishes after being the one to make them, but man am I starving just by looking at it, "have a nice comida, amigos," he comments playfully.

Taking my first bite, I let the flavors engulf my tongue, delight plastered on my face. I couldn't help but notice Jackson laughing silently as he watches me fill my hunger. While savoring, we talked about life as per usual, keeping up with each other with every chance. It really is bliss to be with him every time, but with that comes along this unusual growing feeling again. It's just that, almost as though it's the same way I feel towards Kiyomi; they both make me smile, they make me happy. The thing I've been trying to ignore.

"So, how has your day been?" Jackson asked.

Blinking, I hadn't recognized that I was too in to deep. Staring at my plate and back at Jackson, I beamed, "It's been eventful I must say," Giggling, my eyes softened, "it really was fun."

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