
22 1 5

They started by panicking from the shelves
They took everything for themselves
All the shops are on curfew
And the stores close earlier by a hour or two

Now going out you wont find much
50 people in public places
But 10 is too much in personal acquaintances

I cannot think that a virus so huge
Causes this much ,its too much
I'm over it dude
I want my life back
I want my spring break to happen
My happy place is closed
Gone from my reach
Now I cant even enjoy shopping because they're closing and everyone's at the beach
I'm tired of going to work
Im tired of seeing everyone else happy and them doing it
Going out travelling
Going to my PLACE
Going and doing whatever and not making any mistakes
I'm over it
This virus is
a cold
And the US is over expanding the thought that this is not that serious.

But who cares
No one will read my words anyway
Soon they'll shut down my job and I'll be home all day long
They took away my schooling
And now I'm isolated all alone

It wont be long before I take my own life and I wont be able to be happy no more

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