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You'll never guess but I couldn't have any kind of regret that could be sent or spent. On what the night held and everyone else rebelled.
I thought I was young and foolish
But the feelings came so ruthless .
I sink deeper into the part I try to forget about. The one that makes me scream and shout

The secret that I'm meant to keep.
The reason blood pumps into my heart  to keep it upto beat.

It came fast like a tornado. Landing down and swirling around.
I was engulfed thinking it was fun
Until it was too late.
I realised the danger I was in
And my thoughts panicked I was trying to escape the wind.

But it pulled me closer and I thought if it happened I'd be okay. But I can't even breathe I'm stuck in between.
The darkness filled void of the mind of mine.

The tornado went away that day , and I tried to grasp myself back to reality

But I wasn't the same.
I kept being to myself.
A war silently went on and I fought hard as hell

I finally learned that day ,I shouldn't play in the rain ever again. The dark skies stayed even when I was in.
I lost a piece of myself in the tornado that day.
I almost wanted to throw my whole body away.
Keep on being brave is what I said.

Now I'm happy I'm alive. Instead of thinking it was better to end up dead. The tornado that day taught me alot.
But even if I get shot. I'll walk away as if nothing happened , while loosing alot .

I know my worth and I've seen better days.
All I can hope to say is I won't ever forget it , it will never go away.
But I will tell myself it's better to fight then lose today.

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