Growing up

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No one told me growing up meant that your dad won't call you because now you're not at the house anymore , you call him
No one told me your mom would be bitter and still have the effect when you fight that your insides crush and your world flips upside down faster than a land slide
No one told me your sister would disown you "jokingly" but maybe you being gone ,she thinks you abandoned her and you haven't you've texted her all the time and she only responds in increments
No on told me your dogs will wag their butts so fast they slip and slide on the hard wood floor because they thought you've disappeared into the world and never would come back again
No one told me that you would feel so free and at times comfortable like this should've been the peace you deserved from the wars Inside of you, outside of you, and around you.
No one told me you didn't have to be peace keeper but you were and you interjected yourself in so many situations so the disagreements or the fights would stop and everyone would be angry but then now be angry at you because you just wanted the silence.
No one told me , that you'd have 5 dollars to your name since you quit your job for being a second place of toxicity and now you're struggling but you'd rather struggle than admit a defeat to a company who never cared about you just productivity in the world place .
No one told me one day I'd be sitting here thinking I'm a failure and in all honesty I'm a survivor from what I bested as a child and having trauma sneak up on me and eat my innocence from my soul making me an asshole.
No one would have told me I'd find the love of my life and he would have to deal with me , or all of this but he does this because he loves "me"
No one told me about love.  The true love,  the soulmate , my puzzle piece that completes me, comforts me, and has stuck with me through it all.
No one told me.
But I found out.

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