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Today I took a shower today
No not to sound Pervy but to release myself of reality.
I shaved my legs because I wanted to look pretty
As lately I've been not feeling the same
But when I got to my ankles and the backs of my calves I saw them
Spider veins
The veins my mom call ugly
The veins my grandma calls old
I saw I had them and I panicked.
I had worked for over a year now and I never thought I was pretty in the first place.
But to see this.
The water dripping of my nose , the ripples of the drops flowing off my leg and into the drain.
I froze.
I didn't know how I could. Or what I could do.
I stood there about five minutes and got out. One leg half shaven. And the other prickly like a cactus plant.
And in that moment. My slight enthusiasm faded away.
I looked in the mirror. No really looked at myself and saw this person. Sad. And defeated. All because I just wanted to change my look for one day.
I dropped my towel. Staring in the sun rays of the nakedness before me. Bare and bitter. I cried and cried , thinking of myself continuing on in age.
Thinking. I'll never be beautiful. No matter what you say. All just because I realized.
I had spider veins .

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