Wedding & Romance

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It was late at night by the time I got into my house. Taylor's moving out tomorrow, to go live with Fiona. Which reminds me, Fiona wanted me to meet her at Starbucks tomorrow morning.
I got my late dinner which was lasagne. Then I had a half glass of milk. I locked the front door, and checked the back door to see if it needed locked, but we always keep the back door locked. I then went up to my room after switching off lights from downstairs.
When I got in I changed into my pj's, took my make up off, and brushed my hair. I then flopped down on my bed covers, slowly my eyes shutting.
The Next Day
As soon as woke up, I went straight into the shower and washed my thick hair. I went back into my room and dried it off, which takes about half an hour. I then put my turquoise knee high summer dress on, it had small thrills on the collar. To show my curves I out my thick straw belt. For my feet I put on my light blue lace up wedges. With a straw affect on the wedge.
I went down stairs grabbing my phone and car keys of the kitchen unit.
"Morning sweetie" my mum greets me.
"Morning mum, do you know anything about Fiona inviting me out to Starbucks to talk?" I ask her smelling the goodness of the waffles, my mum was making. I looked at her face, which started to form a smile.
"No, don't have a clue" she says innocently.
"Okay, see you soon" I kiss her on the cheek and head for the front door.
"Are you not wanting breakfast." She asks with a gutted look on her face.
"I'll get some when I get back, I need to go" I said leaving the house. I head down the path and get in my red beetle. I have to admit I think since I moved, I have got more confident driving.
I started the car up leaving the curb. Once I got on the road that lead to the shopping centre, I got a text from Fiona.
Fiona: leaving just now, see you soon
I didn't text her back because I was driving, and it wouldn't be good if I crashed.
When I got in the shopping centre I looked out for Starbucks, the first couple of shops I saw was Primark and quiz the more I walked in the more I saw.
I remembered that Starbucks was near the middle of the shopping centre so I kept walking till I saw the sign. I looked out for Fiona, then I saw her in the back, sitting with a tasty looking coffee.
"Hi" I said to her pulling out the seat from under the table and taking a seat.
"Hello, Lola" she said. "Are you going to get something?" She asked gesturing 10 dollars I front of my face.
"No, it fine I'll get myself something" I stand up and take a look at the chalkboard, that's just above the counter, with the menu on it. I scanned my eyes over the drinks menu. The one thing that caught my eye was a 'honey and almond hot chocolate'.
"Can I take your order please?" The man at the checkout asked. I looked at the cakes and biscuits, before ordering.
"Could I get a 'honey and almond hot chocolate' and... Yeh that's all" I look up to the man, I recognised him but I couldn't think where.
"Is that all, Lola?" He said, my eyes widened at him saying my name. A flashback formed in my head.
"Mike!" I almost shouted.
"That's me" he said, giving me a wink.
"Do you work here?"
"Well why else would I be dressed in an apron, that has the Starbucks sign on it?"
"But... Never mind, yes that's all" I watched him tap his fingers on the screen of the till. Then his eyes met mine, I turned my head away though.
"Okay, I will bring that to you" I walked away, to get back with Fiona.
"So what's up?" I ask her taking my seat.
"Right, the weddings in three days, I have got almost everything done. My maid of honour is my sister Wilma, and one of my bridesmaid is my friend Gemma.
Taylor's got his best man, who's my brother." The reason why it's probably Fiona's brother is because, my brother never really made friends. He wasn't very good at it. "Reception, party is all organised, just one more thing-" she got cut of by Mike placing my hot chocolate on our table. Before he left, he gave me a quick wink.
"Sorry you where saying?" I said to Fiona.
"What was I saying again"
"There was one more thing you needed or something like that"
"Ohh yes... There's one more thing I need" she stopped talking, and I just looked at her motioning for her to carry on.
"Lola Gillie, will you be one of my Bridesmaid" this time it wasn't hard to think about, my jaw dropped.
"you want 'me' to be 'your' bridesmaid?" I asked making sure I haven't miss heard her. She just nodded her head with a bright smile on her face.
"Yes!, Of corse" I shout. Jumping up and squeezing her in my arms. "Thank you so much" I say, still cuddling her.
"No problem, I have the dresses, I know your size so I have everything under control" She says, while I sit down.
"How do you know my size?" I ask.
"Mum" she says, she grabs her handbag from the chair and gets up. "I'll see you tomorrow to see the dresses".
"Yep ill be there" I say finishing of my hot chocolate, that's almost cold.
I sit there for a while, then look at the receipt. I take it up with me to the checkout.
"Just to pay" I say to a different man.
"Okay dokey" I pass him the receipt and the money. "Thanks, come again soon" he said as I walk out of Starbucks. I'm going straight home now, to get my lunch. I'm just walking down the shopping centre, casually.
"Hello Lola" someone said from behind me. I turn round and see Mike.
"What are you doing Mike" I said carrying on to walk.
"Nothing, I'm on my lunch break, even though Starbucks gets filled at lunch, but yeah that's all"
"You've changed" I say to him looking deep into his emerald green eyes, but still walking.
"What do you mean?"
"Doesn't matter, now if you would excuse me I need to go home now". I walked faster till he couldn't keep up with me. I got to my car and looked behind me so he didn't follow me.
I drove back to my house, I parked in my usual parking spot. When I was walking up the path, I saw Taylor and my mum, and Katie. All hugging him, was he going just now, I thought he was going in the evening. Guessing I was wrong. I walked up the path, and caught Taylor before he could leave.
"Hello Tay" I said calling my the name I used to call him when I was younger.
"Hello lala" he done the same.
"You leaving now?" I ask pointing my lips in a sad motion.
"Afraid so, but I'm getting married soon-" I cut him off before he could say anything else.
"And I'm going to be one of the bridesmaid" I shouted excitedly.
"Wow, calm down" he said laughing.
"I'll miss you" I opened my arms out, and he wrapped me in his.
"I'll miss you too" he whispered into my ear. My my mum, my sister and my two dogs, all watch him get into his car and drive away.
I sigh and make my way inside.
Two Days Later
"I love it!" I squeal at Fiona. I was trying on my bridesmaid dress, I was meant to try it on yesterday, but Fiona was busy.
"Isn't it beautiful" she says he eyes scanning the beautiful light blue dress. It goes to my ankles, and has a sparkly belt, and was only held up by my left arm. For my shoes I had 4 inch heels with 3 diamanté straps going over my toes, and crossing over at my ankle.
"I'm speechless"
"Your going to be beautiful" Fiona says looking at me through the mirror.
Day of the wedding
"You look beautiful" Jason says to me as I am just about to get in the carriage to be taken to the church.
"Thank you, you look very handsome" I say, he just forms a smile on his face,"come on you need to get to the church, or you won't be there on time".
"Okay see you soon, love you" he gives me a kiss then turns around and walks back to his house.
"Love you too" I shout. I get on the carriage, and sit beside one of the other bridesmaid.
I look at the other bridesmaids, who are all looking at me with a smirk on there faces. I hardly know them so I look down at my feet.
When we arrive at at the church, we see no one outside they must of all went inside. We are escorted to the back room to where we are meant to line up in order.
It's the first bridesmaid, them me, then the second, and finally the bride Fiona.
"Ready?" I hear someone whisper in my ear from behind me. I just nod guessing that it was Fiona. I heard the music start, and the first bridesmaid started walking, then it was my turn. I gripped on my flowers and took a deep breath and started walking.
I looked around trying to find Jason, I caught him near the front sitting with my sister. I gave him a wink before following the first bridesmaid.
We stood there three in a row watching as my brother and Fiona say 'I do'. I feel a gentle tear slide down the right side of my cheek.
The music comes back on and Fiona and Taylor walk of and the three bridesmaids behind following them.
It was the party now, and I got a table with Jason, and the rest of my family and with Fiona's family.
"Come on" Jason took my hand and pulled me up on the dance floor.
I followed Jason as he lead me to the dance floor, and I placed my hand on his shoulder, and one clasped in his hand.
"How's Kristina?" I ask looking straight into his beautiful eyes.
"She's getting out tomorrow" he said casually.
"Oh my god, Jason this is great news" he just smiled at me, then spun me around.
"I can't stay here" he said holding my hand and walking outside the ballroom.
"What?, Jason" I shouted, even though he was dragging me with him. He took me outside the building, and to the beautiful garden with roses and all types of flowers that I didn't know the name of.
He turned around and looked me deep in the eyes. "Lola?"he said.
"Do you love me?"
"Me too, but we have been together for about 2 years now, and I was wondering"
"Would you move in with me?" My eyes widened at his question.
"Of corse" I yelled jumping into his arms and wrapping my arms around him.
"Phew" he whispered into my ear.
I smiled burying my head into his shoulder, and smelling the rich scent of his aftershave. I knew that I would never regret this, I wouldn't ever think about it. I knew that now I would live the rest of my life with this man.
I trusted him, and I know from the start he trusted me.

"One more thing" he said putting his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a necklace.

"What is it?" I ask trying to figure out the three things on it.

"It's a daisy chain" he said turning me around and putting the necklace on my neck gently.

"Thank you" I say.

I look down at the beautiful necklace with three Daisy's on it.

"One daisy is your family, the other is mine, and the last one will be our" he said, I felt a tear prickle down my check.
I can't believe that's me finished, thank you for all the views it means a lot. I will be writing another book soon, not straight away though because my fingers are tired from all the typing I have been doing.
Thanks for the views, it gave me a lot of support to keep writing, I know I made some errors through the book. They will be fixed, but all I want to say now is Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
And again Thanks so much for reading remember to read my close friends books carlygilchristx and ArianneDude . Remember to read my other book, I haven't decided the full storyline yet, I know the title but that's a surprise. The first chapter will be out next month or something.

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