Dinner Date

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"Can I come in now?" Jason asked knocking on my bedroom door.

"Wait, I'm almost done" I shouted to him.

I asked Jason to have dinner with me to get his mind of things, like Kristina.

"Okay I'm ready" I told him.

"Right I'm coming in" I stood there while Jason examined my, mid-thigh white dress, it only had one thick strap that went over my left shoulder and had small thrills on it. The rest from the chest down was just white with a thick elasticated black belt.

I saw his head move down to my shoes that were, black Matted with a shiny white stripe that went through the middle of the shoe. I tapped my shoes together like when Dorothy does it in the wizard of oz.

He doesn't say much he just looks at me opening his mouth, but nothing comes out.

"How do I look?" I question.

"Ama-, beau-, pre-, stu-" he says back.


"There are no words to describe how you look". He moves closer putting his hands on my hips, I lift my hand and wrap them around the back of his neck softly. He leans in and kisses me, did I say kiss well there was some tongue involved.

I keep stepping back until I hit the back of my bed.

"Ouch" I say looking to see what I hit my leg of.

"What is it?" He says looking at me. I just looked into his eyes.

"We should get going" I say trying to hold a cute smile.

"Oh yeah we have dinner" he laughs taking his arms of my hips and walks over to the door.

I grab my bag and we both walk downstairs to the front door.

"Bye mum" I shout to her.

"Wait!" She shouts back, I hear footsteps rushing about, coming from the living room. Then my mum runs up in front of me and Jason and starts taking loads of pictures.

"Smile" she said changing position every time she took a photo.

"Mum what are you doing?" I asked still smiling.

"Okay I think that's me done" she said looking at the camera.

"Can we go now?" I ask cheekily.

"Yeh your free to go, have fun!" She shouts even though she is right next to me.

"Bye Miss Gillie" Jason says to my mum.

"Bye sweetie"

We both walk down to his truck.

"Got it fixed I see?" I said to him pointing at the truck for one second.

"Yep, and guess what"

"What?" I say in a fantasy voice.

He rushes over to the passenger seat door.

"It doesn't stick!" He opens and closes the door showing me, he looks like a wee kid going to see all his presents he got for Christmas.

"Right you can stop that now I-I can't get in when you d-do that" I tell him putting my hands out so I didn't get hit with the door.

"Okay I'm sorry" he says, now the wee boys found out that all he got was coal.

I jump in the car and close the 'new' door.

"Wait why am I driving when I don't even know where we're going?" Jason said looking at me in confusion.

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