Check Ups and Skipping School

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I went straight up to my room when I got in the house. I know the thought of Mike would haunt me during my sleep.

I slipped into my pj's and got in bed, It was hard to not think of my dad and Mike and Kristina. My life is just turned upside down ever since I moved.

When I woke up I looked at my alarm 8:00 it read, I jumped up to get changed into my dark skinny jeans and short sleeved elasticated light blue top. I took my phone of my bedside table, I had a text from Jason.

Jason: I'm not going to school today Kristina's meant to be getting check ups and is getting her blood taken, I want to see the results.

Lola: okay do you need somebody to be there with you?

Jason: no it's fine, my mum said that she will come down after her work and my dad is working all day

Lola: okay hope everything goes well

Jason: thanks

I know the way he was texting back that he really wanted me to come. So I took my jacket of the hanger from my cupboard, it was beginning to get to the colder weather.

I took the toast that was on my sisters plate and eat some of it leaving it in my mouth while I got in my car and turned it on. I thought about if I should go to school or skip. 'Skip'. I thought as I drove away from my house.

When I got into the hospital car park I looked for Jason's car, it was in its usual spot next to the disabled parking so that it quicker to get in. There wasn't a lot of parking spaces, I just managed to get into one that was occupied after the driver drove of with an elderly woman holding a drip.

I got out my car and watched the light go of to make sure it was off. It was a different receptionist lady from the last time I came to visit.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked in a cheery voice.

"Hi, I'm here for Kristina Rosebell" I told her, waiting for her to tell me what to do, even though I knew she was going to send me into the waiting area.

"Please take a seat and the Dr will come and get you"

I followed her hand that she put out to show me the way. It was so busy, I had to stand and wait till someone moved, no one did.

"Lola Gillie?" A Dr said waiting for me to stand up. I was already standing, so I just walked towards him.

"Here" I said to his back.

He turned round then turned round again facing the doors that lead into the different wards.

"Follow me" he said walking away from me.

I followed him fast walking to catch up with him. We got into the children's ward, and he took me to a different and bigger room from Kristina's last room.

He opened the door for me then walked away. No one was in apart from a ill, tired and white looking Kristina, she was sitting up with her legs crossed in a basket and her back leaning against the back of the bed, watching tv.

"Hello" I said quietly while walking in.

"Hi Lola!" she answered looking at me and smiling.

"Where is everyone?" I asked scraping a seat on the ground, and stopping when I get close to her bed.

"Jason's at the toilet" she takes a big breath "and the doctor wanted to talk to my mum" she took another deep breath.

"So how are you?" I question looking up at the tv, then looking down at her.

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