Cracking the case

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I began to get worried, anything could of happened to him, I tried to calm down as I walked down stairs and into the kitchen where my mum was. My mum is the most hardest person to kid on, so I gave it a try to get past her so that she didn't see me.

"Lola?, what's wrong?"

We'll that didn't work out.

"I miss Jason and he hasn't been turning up at school"I said trying to hold in the tears.

"Oh, hunni" she said hugging me.

She made me sit down on the bar stool, and made me some pancakes.

Once I finished eating I went up to my room and texted Michelle.

Lola: Hey

Michelle: Hello

Lola: are you free today?

Michelle: yeh, but I have to be in for 9:00: stupid family meeting

Lola: okay then it will only take two seconds, meet me at the park

Michelle: why?

Lola: I'll explain when I get there

Michelle: okay, see you there gurl

I put on a fleece and told my mum I'll be at the park.

It only took me 2 seconds to get there, but I had to wait 5 minutes for Michelle to turn up.

I was looking out for a car, then a white convertible pulled over. I thought 'that can't be Michelle' 'wow look at her car she's rich' no that's definitely not Michelle', and out came Michelle.

"What's up?" She said locking her car and walking towards me.

"Give me the address for Jason's house" I commanded her.

"I don't know his address but I know where he lives" she said confusingly.

"Well can you take me tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure but you owe me money for gas" she kidded on. "Do you want to stay for the night?" She asked.

"I thought you had a family meeting?"

"It won't hurt if I skip a day, plus all we talk about is everyone flaws, and what we should work on" she said.

"Sure hold on meet me in your car" I told her and ran to my house.

I told my mum I was staying over at a friends house, then ran upstairs and put stuff I needed into a bag.

"Bye" I said to my mum while walking out the door.

Michelle had parked her car just outside my house, how nice.

When I got in she drove of as if she was in a hurry.

We turned up at her house in 5 minutes, she took me straight upstairs without telling her parents I was in.

We both picked a movie out 'Titanic' and started watching it, at every scene we used about 10 hankies.

As soon as the movie finished we turned it of and got into her bed.

"Why do you want Jason's house address?" She asked me before turning her light out.

"He hasn't been talking to me, and four days ago I asked him if he wanted to do come round and meet my family, but he baled out on me" I said, this time I wasn't upset.

"Oh, that's ruff, so he didn't say anything like why he wasn't coming?" She asked as if she was really interested.

"Nope, nothing" I said turning over and facing away from her, she switched the light of and we both went to sleep.

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