First Date

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It's been a couple of days since school and now it's the weekend. I haven't seen Jason, only when he dropped me off after school. That was until he texted me this morning.

Jason: Hi Lola

Lola: Hi, how did you get my number?

Jason: Grace gave me it I saw you talking to her at lunch

Lola: Oh, okay...

Jason: I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cinemas with me tomorrow, if you can't then it's fine I understand

Lola: I hardly know you

Jason: Yeh that's why they have this thing called dates so that you get to know the person

I didn't want to say no because I would feel bad.

Lola: Sure I'll be there

Jason: Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon?

Lola: Sounds good to me

I haven't asked my mum but she doesn't need to know everything so I decided I wouldn't tell her.

I didn't really do anything today except watch tv, take my dogs for a walk and watch more tv. It was getting late and I didn't want to go to the cinemas really tired and fall asleep during the movie, so I went to sleep really early.

I woke up again and it was like one 1:00 in the morning, I had another bad dream about my dad again. I don't know why I keep having these dreams. This time it was a flashback to when I was younger and my dad tucked me into bed and read me a story, then switched my light off.

I got out of my bed and went downstairs to get myself a drink because I couldn't get back to sleep, I opened the cupboard got my self a glass and poured some milk out. That's when I heard noises coming from upstairs then coming downstairs, I turned round to find Katie at the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you doing up" I asked her while walking towards her.

"Couldn't sleep" she answered.

We both walked into the living room, I got a blanket from one of the couches and lay down on the couch. Katie came over and I lifted the blanket so that she could come in beside me. I turned on the closest light to me so that Katie doesn't trip up on something. She gets comfy then lays her head on my arm, I reach over to the light and turn it off.

I wake up hearing my mum come down the stairs, Katie is still beside me. We ended up sleeping on the couch last night. I picked up my phone and looked at the time.

"Oh my god" I said, I think I woke Katie up.

"Shut up sleeping here" she said with an attitude.

"Well now your not" I pushed Katie over ran upstairs into my room, I forgot all about my date with Jason.

I picked out two outfits, on of them was a baggy black dress the bottom was like a pencil skirt and the top was baggy with full sleeves. The other one I brought out was dark red jeans and a fluffy white jumper, it was getting cold so I chose red jeans and white jumper.

When I got changed I put my date make up on. Yeh I have date, formal, natural make, up practically different make up for every occasion. My date make up was, black eyeliner with a cute flick at the end, light grey eyeshadow, pink blusher, and black mascara.

On to my hair now. My hair colour is strawberry blonde with a full fringe it's down past my shoulders, So I decided that I would put curls in and straiten my full fringe.

Just when I finished straightening my fringe I quickly went into the toilet and brushed my teeth, I went back into my bedroom and sprayed some of my 'Estée Lauder' perfume.

I was just finishing up on myself making sure I haven't forgot anything when I heard the doorbell go.

"I'll get it" I shouted down to my mum so that she didn't answer it, but by the time I got downstairs she was already at the door.

"Who's this?" She asked while Jason was standing right in front of her, how rude can she get.

"A friend" I replied "bye" I shut the door on her face.

"Hi" I said to Jason.

"Hello" he said back to me "ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep" I answered.

We walked up to his truck, and he opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I said while getting inside.

He closed the door and I watched him walk round to his side and get in. He started up the engine and we drove off.

"What do you want to see?" I have not got a clue whats on, but I can remember back when my old friend Chloe kept going on about this movie, I can't remember what it what it was called, I will probably remember when I get there, so I just shrugged my shoulders.

We pulled up outside the cinemas, I was about to open the door.

"Wait.." He quickly said, he got outside walked round the front of the car and got to my door. He was going to open it but it jammed again,I began to laugh, but he managed to get it open in the end.

I got out the truck and he closed the door.

"Piece of crap" he said as he locked the door, it was quite funny.

We walked inside still not knowing what to go see. I saw the movie advertising that Chloe wanted to see it was called 'the best of me', but I don't know if he would want to see it. I guess he saw me looking at the advertising.

"How may I help you" the check out lady said.

"Two tickets for 'the best of me' please" I looked at him in shock, he just looked at me and smiled so I smiled back.

We got into the movie and sat down in the seats near the middle but closer to the top.

Half way through the movie Jason slid his arm over my shoulder, I looked at him and smiled but he didn't look back at me.

Once the movie had finished we walked outside and got in his truck, he opened the door for me again and I got inside. He dropped me of outside the right house this time,and opened the door for me this time it didn't stick.

He walked me up to my door, side bye side not saying anything.

"Thanks, I had a great time" I said when we got to my door, we both turned and looked at each other.

"Your welcome, see you at school?" He asked.

"Of course" I replied.

"Goodbye" he said.

"Bye" I opened the door and walked inside "bye" I said once more and closed the door.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom, closed my door right over and fell on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

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