Trying new things

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We parked at the other side of the road from the house, because the the whole street was filled up. This is going to be the biggest house party I have ever been to, considering I have only been to one. I could already see everyone outside the front garden goofing around, acting so immature.

I was about to walk out the car, but Michelle stopped me before I could feel the air.

"WAIT.." She shouted and grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked looking at her annoyed.

"There's two people you have to keep away from" she had that serious look on her face.

"Who?" I only answered in short words.

"Amber and Finn" she said.

"Amber from our school?"

"Yes, and Finn's from another school, but if you mess with her she'll ruin your whole life through school"

I looked at her shocked.

"I think I've messed with her already"

"Seriously! Just try not to get in her way, then Finn he'll get a hold of any girl he lays eyes on" she said, I swear when she was telling me about Finn her eyes darkened.

"How do you know?" I asked her trying to get the truth out her.

"Trust me" she then got out the car and started to walk to the house, I got out and locked the car, and followed her steps.

I tried to catch up with her but it was hard trying to when your wearing 6 inch heels. I caught up with her and we were both walking in together, this time there was alcohol everywhere. She brought me into the kitchen and poured out a plastic cup of beer for her, then a half cup for me. I looked at her but took it anyway, I took a small sip then got pulled away from her.

I don't know who is dragging me away but whoever it was, was hurting my wrist. We finally stopped, I got a look of his face. Mike.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Come on just dance" he said spinning me around.

He was so drunk, I walked away but got pulled back, I took another sip of my beer ducked down and started crawling on the floor through hundreds of sweaty bodies. I stood up to find Amber and her friends laughing at me, I just ignored them and found Michelle.

"Where were you?" She asked casually.

It's all right Michelle you just act as if you don't care, I could of got kidnapped for you know, but it's okay as long as you have Dylan and your alcohol.

I was so dying to say that to her "just got carried away with Mike" I'm to much of a nice friend to her.

"Ohh, your not cheating on Jason are you?"

"NO!, I mean no" I can't believe she would think that. I went up stairs to find a toilet, but every single one was filled up know what I mean.

I went to take another sip at my beer but it was empty, wow how much have I been drinking?

I went into the kitchen to pour myself another one, just when I was doing that I saw a boy talking to people but looking at me. 'What's his problem' I thought, once I finished pouring it (half way) I turned round and almost split my drink all over my dress. This very tall, good looking guy was staring down at me smiling, well he wasn't that tall because I had heels on. But if I didn't I would be facing his chest.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes, I was wanting a beer" he said pointing to the beer from behind me.

"Ohh, sorry" I said, then moved out his way.

"Thanks" he sounded really nice, but just as he bent over his top went up and I saw a tattoo saying

Finn- Small Blonde Soldier.

'Must be the meaning of his name' I thought to myself.

Well he wasn't small that's for sure, I just remembered what Michelle had said before we entered the house. Stay away from Finn, I turned round and started walking away trying to find Michelle.

I heard a crowd of people shouting numbers, "12, 13, 14, 15, 16" and so on, I pushed through the crowd and saw Michelle doing a beer stand with Dylan holding her up, I saw the tube filled with alcohol flowing into her mouth.

"24, 25, woo she done it, she beat the record!" Someone shouted from the crowd. I saw Dylan take her down slowly but dropping her by accident, I ran over to her to see if she was okay.

"Michelle, are you okay, get up" I said trying to pull her up.

"I'm Fine. I'm Great. I've Never Been. BETTER!" She shouts, raising one of her hand up in the air, as the crowd cheers.

"Why doesn't new girl do it?" A voice said from the crowd, I looked up to see who it was. Everyone then started shouting "NEW GIRL, NEW GIRL, NEW GIRL". I told them no but before I knew it I was upside down with the tube in my mouth. They started counting.

"1, 2, 3," and so on until they got to 20, "21, 22, 23, 24, 25" they started going wild I couldn't do anymore, so I waved my hand and told them to put me down. I landed on my feet and felt someone come over to me and hug me really tight then shout "THATS MA GURL" I looked at who was hugging me, it was Michelle she was so drunk. I think I am to after that, I've never been drunk before but trust me it felt good.

I went outside to get fresh air, I walked out and saw millions of teens puking in the bushed and doing other things. I decided that I would pass the fresh air part, when I walked in I felt dizzy then saw Michelle hand me another drink of beer, I drank it in two gulps. I walked upstairs to find a room, half of them were occupied, I found one that no one has been in lay down on the bed. I heard someone enter but couldn't be bothered looking up.

"Mind if I join you?" It was Michelle's voice.

But she wasn't on her own, I slowly lifted my head from the pillow and saw Dylan behind her.

"This room is for sleeping only" I warned them both.

" And that's what we're going to do" Dylan said.

They both fell on the bed, more people came in but I couldn't be bothered seeing who it was, I just fell asleep.

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