Learning more

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I was still awake when Jason had woke up, it was about twelve o'clock at night.

"Hello sunshine" he said looking down at me kissing my forehead.

"Hello" I said looking up to him.

His phone started going of, he picked it up and I listened.

"Hello...yes I am... How is she?...can I come and see her?...that's good right?...what?...what do you mean...I'm coming right away..." He hung up.

"Whats wrong?" I asked getting of the bed.

"She has woke up" he said getting up and opening my door about to leave.

"Wait!" I shouted grabbing his arm."take me with you" I ordered him.

"Fine but you will need to get changed" he looked down at me and so did I, I was still in Michelle's dress that she gave me for the party.

I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a random top. He turned and faced the wall as I quickly got changed. He picked up his keys and took me by my arm and we both ran out the house and into his car, it smelt the same as the last time I was in it. He was in so much of a hurry I was beginning to worry if she was dyeing or something.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They finished the operation and she's awake" he said really fast.

"What's her name?"

"Kristina" he said turning a sharp corner that made me bang my head against the window.

"Ouch!" I shouted.

"Sorry, Hun" he said kissing me on the cheek.

"All better" I blushed.

When we got into the hospital car park we couldn't find a space, so we parked on top of a curb. That's what most of the other cars were doing.

We rushed in holding hands.

"What can I do for you too" the reception lady asked.

"Hello, were here for Kristina Rosebell" I told her calmly as Jason took a seat in the waiting area.

"Yes and who are you?" She asked.

"Lola Gillie, a friend of her, and I'm here with her brother" I lied saying I was her friend even though I didn't even know her.

"Okay just take a seat and someone will come and collect you" she said.

I walked over to Jason and took a seat next to him, I rested my head on his shoulder and held his hand.

"I promise, everything will be alright" I said whispering in his ear.

We waited for half an hour for someone to come and collect us, when they did it was a young man who looked like he was in his early twenties.

"Lola Gillie and Jason Rosebell?" He shouted. We both jumped up when he said our names.

"Follow me please" he said as he started walking away from us, we followed him through a pair of doors that said 'Children's Ward'.

"Jason, how old is your sister?" I asked while walking in holding hands.

"She's 12"he said looking around trying to see where she was.

The man took us to a room, Jason walked in first and me last. I saw this young beautiful girl lying on a bed with a drip leading into her wrist. 'don't know if I can handle this' I thought as I looked down at her and Jason.

"How are you?" Jason asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm great" she said cheerfully. She saw me standing at the door.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"Hello, I'm Lola a friend of Jason" I said smiling.

"She's my girlfriend" he said looking at me and smiling, I looked back at him.

"Ohh" she said. Teasing him.

We talked for a while until Jason decided to go get dinner for us all.

"What would you like?" He asked me ready to write down on a piece of paper. I don't like the food in hospitals but I was starving.

"Chips and whatever your having" I said looking into his blue eyes.

"What about you?" He said talking to Kristina.

"I'm not very hungry" she answered.

"When did you last eat? He asked.

"I don't know"

"Kristina you have to eat" I said looking down at her.

"Fine, I'll just have chips" she said while Jason wrote on the paper.

Just as he left he mimicked 'thank you' to me, then left for food.

"So how long have you to been dating?" Kristina asked.

"1 month" I told her.

"Wow, to be honest that's not that long" she acted like a miss no-it-all.

"Really, how do you know?" I asked her.

"I just do" Jason came in with a tray with warm food on it.

"One bowl of chips?" He said as if he was in a restaurant.

"Here" Kristina answered excitedly.

"One fish and chips?"

"Guessing that's me?" I said taking the plate from him.

"And another fish and chips?, no one oh well more for me" Kristina started laughing and him.

As we ate our dinner I looked around and saw Kristina and Jason both laughing and making jokes, I have never seen this side of Jason and I'm glad I have.

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