Chapter 71

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After Mr.Celtic left the stage, everyone in the room stays quiet. I think that Mr.Celtic's speech has a great effect on everyone and can make them think a lot of new stuff, to open their eyes to a whole different world. For example, most of us thought that Mr.Celtic's life wasn't so hard and he doesn't have to try hard to get to where he is today but we're completely wrong.

Like he told us before, his parents died as soon as he finished business school so he had to moved to America and live off on his own. He started from nothing and now he has everything. I think I respected Mr.Celtic even more than I did before.

His daughter is probably really lucky to has a dad like Mr.Celtic. I can't imagine how good of a boss she will be when she runs the company.

Many more successful businessman came on the stage after Mr.Celtic's speech and to be honest, I learned a lot from every one of them. They all have different stories and all of it are special in its own way. Right now, it's around 5 p.m. and I'm starting to feel hungry.

"Hey, Are you hungry? Do you want to get some food ?", Nathan asks me as he plays with my hair.

"Yes, but I swear to god if I see another piece of cake, I'm going to run out of this event", I tell Nathan and he laughs.

"Don't worry, I think they've prepared some real foods this time, I think that you'll be eating very well", Nathan tells me as he stands up. He helps me get up from my chair and we walk together into another room where they've prepared food for the invited people.

"Nathan Archer and Alaiza Curl". I heard Nathan speaks to one of the managers here and they scanned through their lists and they led us to our seat when they found our name on their list.

Nathan pulls my chair for me and I 'thanked' him. Many people around us look at us and some girls squealed.

"He is treating his girlfriend very well, I'm so jealous of her". I heard one girl speaks and I blush.

"You hear that? Those pretty lady practically said that I'm a gentleman and I'm treating my girlfriend very well. They're jealous of you", Nathan whispers to me and I glare at him.

"Okay then, go date them. Don't date me", I tell him and I pretend to be mad by looking at the foods that are placed in front of us.

"Oh C'mon, you know that I was just kidding", Nathan pouts at me and I can't help but pinch his cheek, hard.

"If you compliment another girl again, I swear to god, I'll kiss you in front of everyone", I tell him and he smirks.

"Damn, I feel like that lady in the white dress, who is standing over there, is so pretty. I wanted to go and talk to her", He tells me as he looks over my shoulder.

"Don't you dare", I warned him.

"Look at her by yourself, you'll know how pretty she is", Nathan points over my shoulder and I turn around to look at where he is pointing. I almost choke on my drink when I saw her. She is an old grandma, who is probably in her late 50's. She has a white dress on and two bodyguards by the side. She's probably someone who is extremely rich.

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