Chapter 20

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Recap on the last chapter :

'Hello ? I'm asking here', Mr.Archer half-shouting at me .

'Ummmmm' . My feet start shaking and my throat suddenly went dry .

Calm down , Calm down . Just tell him the truth , you got this .

'Well you see ...So get the way...therefore...Umm...well...I think that... wait do you  know this ?' . WTF am I doing ? I just spit random words to him . Now  he'll thinks that I'm a total idiot .

'Urr... I'm sick', words up came flying out my mouth .

 I'm sick', words up came flying out my mouth

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Of course , he didn't buy my lame ass excuse , he wouldn't. I knew it . He just looks at me for a brief moment then he smirks , looking at me like I'm a crazy person.

"You should make a better excuse next time and I've already asked Ellie to bring you dresses and shoes for you to choose and she'll be here around 2 or something . In the meantime why don't you go and take a shower and freshen up a bit ?", He tells me and I nod . I really need to go to the party then . I smile sarcastically at myself .

"Do you want a check up or something ? I just saw you smiling at yourself", He jokingly tells me and I rolled my eye at him .If you need a check up just because you smile at yourself , I will be visiting the doctor very often because I tend to do that a lot to myself .

Turning my heels , I walk back into my room and take off my clothes , after putting on some Cardi B's songs ,of course .

Her song 'Bodak yellow' was a big hit and I can clearly see why . I'm not even big fan of hip hop but ever since I first listened to this song , I felt in loved with it .

I walk into the bathroom and  look at myself in the mirror and pretend to be a singer for a moment . I use my toothbrush and my comb as my microphone and I start to sing the song .

Look , I don't dance now

I make money moves

Say I don't gotta dance

I make money move

If I see you and I don't speak

That means I don't f*ck with you

I'm a boss , you're a worker b*tch

I make bloody moves...

I stop singing when I hear a loud shouting outside the bathroom . "You better shut those trap or I'll in there to shut it myself", Ellie's loud voice made its way into my ear and I groaned loudly . Can't I pretend to be a singer for one minute please ?

"I thought you'll be here around 2 , why are you here so early ?", I shouted back at her , hoping that my voice is loud enough to be heard .

"I finished early", she tells me and I can picture her shrugging right now .

"Did you got a lot of stuff ?", I asked her , clearly scared that she brought too much . "Meh , only a little" was her reply .

I don't care about it too much and continue showering until I felt like I was in there for an hour or so .

I take a towel and wrapped it around my body and another one on my head and another one to clean my face and one more to put around my shoulder
. To be honest , I don't even know why I need that much towels after taking shower but I always do . Many other peoples probably only use 1 and I'm over here using 4 .

I walk out of the bathroom to be greeted with a sleepy-looking Ellie sitting on my bed . I shouted her name and she looks at me . "Took you long enough" , Ellie mutters under her breath and walks over to shopping bags piled over each other and pull out dresses and shoes from each bag and put it on my bed .

"Hurry your butt up and try on ALL of them" , She tells me . "I thought you didn't get much", I tell her and she rolled her eyes . "Just hurry up", she tells me .

I mentally groaned at myself and look at every single dresses. They all looked so good , I don't know which one to choose . "If you're having a hard time choosing , I recommend this one", Ellie hands me a dress and grin widely at me .

I don't even need to try on it to tell that the dress is too small for me . How can I fit into this ?

"What the hell , Ellie ? If I put this on , it'll barely cover up my butt crack", I laugh while throwing it back to her and she catches it easily . "It's actually for my sister", she tells me while trying to hold back a laughter that tried to come out as well .

"You have a sister? How come you never mention her to me?", I asks her while looking at her curiously . "Really ? I have never ?", She asks me and shrug . "I will tell you soon but first let's get you ready for the party", Ellie grins at me and I know nothing good will come out of it .

"I think this one will be good enough for the party tonight", I held up a dress and examine it . It's a plain white dress and I think it will be good enough . To be honest , I don't like a luxurious dress , the one with diamond and strips or anything to be specific , a plain one will be good enough .

"Then come here and let's make you prettier than you're already are", Ellie pats on a chair in of the mirror . I walk over to the chair and sit on it looking at myself in the mirror .

"Any specific style you want to go with ?", Ellie asks me and I shake my head . "Just cover up some acne and do something with my lashes and that will be good enough", I tell her and she gasped .

"Honey you're going to a party , how can you do that ?", Ellie asks me ."Never mind , since you're so bad at this , let me help you in my way"

After half an hour of sitting still and closing my eyes as Ellie told me to, I was told that I was done. I open my eyes and I smile .

"Thanks Ellie, it's beautiful" . Most girls will be saying some cliché thing after a makeover like she saw a different person looking back at her from the mirror but I'm over here and act naturally because I don't think I look too much different without make up .

I put on the dress and put on my heels and walk out of my room before hugging Ellie and thanks her , of course .


Thank you so much for still reading and (hopefully) not hating on me or this book yet , I know that it has been a long time and I'll be updating regularly now , I promised . I'll get this edit as soon as possible


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