Chapter 58

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The elevator's door opens and Nathan and I walk out together. I tip-toed and look around, hoping to find my friends.

"Isn't that them ?", Nathan asks me as he points to a group of people. I look over to where he's pointing and I see Mike, Jack, and Amanda lean on the car while having a conversation.

"Yeah, also, I'm still mad at you", I tell him and walk over to their direction.

"Oh c'mon, what can I do to make you stop being mad? I felt like you're being mad at me 24/7 right now", He groans and I just ignore him.

"Hey", I speak and all of their head snap to my direction. Amanda runs up to me and hugs me.

"You're still ugly", She whispers to me and I laugh.

"Um...Alaiza, what is he doing here ?", Mike whispers to me when Amanda and I pull away and I look over to where he's looking. He's looking at Nathan.

"Uhm...for some reason, he wanted to join us for lunch", I tell them and they were all shocked.

"Do you think that someone who is as fancy as him can eat at a normal restaurant like us ?", Jack whispers to me and I shrugged.

"I told him that but he didn't listen", I whisper back.

"I can eat anywhere as long as I'm with my girl", Nathan speaks and puts his hand in his pocket. Amanda, Jack, and Mike look at him then look at me with wide eyes and a gasped mouth.

"My girl? Are you dating ?", Amanda shrieks and I glare at Nathan.

"Why do you tell them ?", I mouth to Nathan and he smirks.

"I don't see why we should keep a secret from them. Besides, aren't they your friend? You should tell him", Nathan pulls me to his side and intertwined our fingers together. My friend looks at our intertwined hands and Amanda jumps up in happiness.

"When you have a baby, can I be his/her fairy god-mother ?", Amanda asks me.

"And I'll be his/her fairy god-father", Mike speaks.

"Chill guys, we just started dating yesterday but I'm already planning on breaking up", I speak and pull my hand away from Nathan's but he didn't budge. In fact, he seems pretty angry. It probably doesn't please him when I say that I'm planning on breaking up because he's literally glaring at me so hard right now.

"Why don't we go ?", Nathan asks through gritted teeth at me and pulls me toward his car.

"But I wanna go with them", I pout and he shakes his head.

"We need to talk", Nathan tells me and I gulped. For some reason, I'm just scared whenever anyone says that they wanted to talk. Like... why?

"And you guys, just follow my car", Nathan shouts out loud so that my friend can hear.

He opens the door and shoved me in. He walks over to his side and starts the engine. Before I can even put on my seat belts, he starts driving at a very fast speed and I immediately clutch to my seat.

"Slow down, you're going to get us killed", I tell him and I can tell that he's slowing down a bit. Thank god!

"Do you wanted that to happen ?", Nathan asks me, still looking at the road.

"What ?", I ask him.

"You said you're planning on breaking up with me. Is that what you wanted to happen?", He asks me and I shake my head.

"Nathan, relax. I was just kidding", I tell him and I touch his hand but he slaps my hand away.

"THEN WHY DID YOU SAID ?", He shouts at me and I flinched.

"Can you chill? I was just kidding, you don't need to be so rude", I tell him and look outside the window. I'm very emotional, I cried over the littlest thing and now my tears start to come out.

"Still, what will you reacted if I say that I wanted to break up ?", He asks me and I scoff.

"You wouldn't do that", I glare at him.

"You can't be sure", He tells me. What is happening?

"NATHAN, I don't know what's wrong with you but I was just kidding. I should be mad at you for telling them about our relationship, I thought I told you that I wanted to keep it private but you didn't and I wasn't even mad at you but you? You get mad at me over the smallest thing. Also, you know me, I always kidding around, if you can't accept that part about me then we can end it right here, right now and don't come up to me later and tells me you regret it.", I warn him. My tears are started to coming down my face and I mentally cursed myself.

I'm just so emotional and to be honest, I don't even know why I'm crying. I wipe my tear away with my hand and Nathan looks at me for a moment before looking at to the street.

"FUCKING GOD", He shouts and pulls the car to the side. He caught me by surprise when he pulls me into a hug. I pull away because I'm still mad at him but he didn't move. I don't understand, why is he overreacting? He pulls away and looks down.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I was overreacting. I guess I was really scared that you're actually going to break up with me for real. Can you forgive me ?", He asks me with a hand over his face.

"Depends. If you're going to overreact over a little thing again then I won't", I tell him.

"I can't promise", He tells me and I just laugh. I take off my seat belts and open the door.

"Okay, okay. I'll try not to overreact", He tells me and I close the door.

We just sit still in silence. Nathan takes my hand in his and I look at it but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry", He whispers and I just smile.

"We're in a relationship so that we can learn and grow. You don't need to be overprotective and overreact over little thing", I smile at him and he groans.

"I don't deserve you. You're so nice", He tells me.

"No Nathan, we deserve each other, that's why we're in a relationship. I promised that I will try not to make jokes around you again but you need to promise that you will stop overreacting", I tell him and he nods.

My phone suddenly rings and I pull my hand away from Nathan's and go through my purse. Mike is calling me.

"Is everything okay in there? We're behind you. You guys didn't move for about 10 minutes now, are you guys alright ?", Mike asks me and I look at Nathan. Nathan smiles at me and takes my phone away from my hand. He pressed it against his ear.

"No, we're alright. Just having a little fight. Just follow our car", He ends the call and starts driving.

This time he drives using his left hand and his right hand is intertwined with mine.

I suck at writing fighting scene, I know. Support me by voting, commenting, follow me and share this story with your friends.


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