53- Ring Ring

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Annabeth's POV

One last look. One look around, and no sign of him. All there was were crowds of unfamiliar faces. In one look, my hopes shrunk to the size of an ant. If not, smaller.

Before entering the door that connects the airplane to the building, I reluctantly handed my ticket to the stewardess. Mom was ahead of me, keeping her pace as she dragged her carry-on. As first-class passengers,we took our time walking and settling into our seats. As for me, I tried to hurry, to get away and keep as much distance between me and the airport. I don't know why. I felt convoluted. Half of my mind wants to take it slowly, in hopes he would shout my name. The other half wants to get away quickly as possible. Even though he'd know where I'd be, San Francisco feels like a safe haven, at this point.

The plane ride home was uneventful. It was the usual perky flight attendants nagging you on what drink and food would you like, and a baby's cry that could be heard by everyone. Most of the ride, I was asleep. I could've chosen to read or go over my plans for Stanford, but my mind has been everywhere and can't focus on one thing.

After the ride, Mom and I were hit by the all-too-familiar scenery of home. We gathered my luggage, and checked up on the driver Mom had asked to pick us up. While we were waiting out on the pick-up station, I smelt the air and sighed in relief.

"Hello?" Someone asked behind me. "I was supposed to be on tour, but I think I ended up on the wrong plane-"

I turned around and there he was, showing a lop-sided smile. Grey on sea-green. His hair in its usual mess, but was covered in a grey hoodie. I couldn't form words. All I could muster up was a faint gasp.

"Perks of being famous," he whispered. "I can get my own private jet."

"I... uh... wh-what about your tour?" I asked, then I realized how stupid that must've sounded.

"I didn't want to leave ring ring," he said. His eyes were wide and turned hazel. Then, his hair slowly turned blonde. Next thing I knew, the person who stood in front of me wasn't Percy. It was Mark.

I nervously chuckled. "What?"

Next to me, Mom grabbed my hand. "Ring ring!"

Ring Ring! Ring Ring!

I woke up with a jolt. Using my fingers, I combed through my hair, then sighed. Sunlight peeked from the gray curtains, but it still left my room a bit dark.

A knock came from my door. When I opened it, Helen gave me a blank look, then hesitantly gave me an envelope. I know what was coming. It was another one of those letters, but I hadn't received one of these in a long time. 

Once she was out of my room, I was staring at the white envelope with my name written in fancy green letters, like calligraphy. I didn't look at who's it was from because I had an idea.

From underneath my bed, I rummaged for a black, large box. Once I took it out, I opened it and was suddenly filled with remorse.

Inside were polaroids, a statue of the Empire State Building with King Kong on it, a stuffed blue dolphin, a locket, and cards. Sometimes, I used to read the cards for no reason. There were at least 30 cards. All different shades and colors. All with stamps from different places. I took the light blue one and read it.

Dear Wisegirl,

I'm sorry I couldn't catch you before your flight. New York traffic held me back. I hope you had a good flight. I'm not much o a flyer, so I would hate every second of it.
I know you would probably not read this and would rather throw it away. I don't blame you. I was insecure. I didn't put faith in us. It was all new to me. You were the first girlfriend I had ever since I became THE Percy Jackson. That doesn't matter to you, though.
Even if you don't want to write me back, I'll keep writing to you. Even if you don't love me back, I'll keep loving you.

Seaweed Brain

That was the first letter he ever sent me. After that, I was at Stanford. All of his letters were mailed at my house, rather than my dorm. I don't even know how he had gotten my address. The first letter was sent two years ago.

Dear Wisegirl,

Guess where I'm at? Athens, Greece! I visited some of the places you've talked to me about. When I was at the Parthenon, I couldn't help but think that you would've love it here. We would be walking around the ruins. You'd be too busy ranting on about the architecture, and it's history. While you're doing that, I would be complaining about the heat and my constant need for food.
Next place, I'm going to is Italy. I can't wait to try their pizza. I've heard that Italians don't make good pizza, which I doubt. Pizza is from Italy. How can they mess it up?!
I wish you were here with me, but I know you're making your mark at Stanford. One day, when no paparazzi is looking for me, I'll come visit you.

Seaweed Brain

That card had a green envelope. He had given me little updates on his life. He told me where he went and what he did. Just like he had written, he kept writing to me. But the last card I've ever gotten from him was from last year. It was in a black envelope.

Dear Wisegirl,

I'm way too over my head. People have been expecting something different from me. Some want me to change my image. Some want me to change my music. Grover has been trying to convince them that people love me for the way I am. What if I wanted to do something else?
Tyson had been trying to convince me to join him in his Marine Biology adventures. I'd given it a thought. Music has been with me as long as my love for sea-life. What if I want to do both?
I want a change, but I don't want to change, too. I probably sound very confused. I wish you were here to give me your advice. You've had experience making choices. Uh. Sorry. Didn't mean to mean it like that. Wish me luck, instead.

Seaweed Brain

He'd never written to me after that. Maybe he got tired and gave up? He got tired of waiting for a sign of hope, and I gave him none. Maybe he'd finally seen that my pride would not let me write back. He made the right choice. He would've wasted two years of his life, writing to no one.

I looked back at the white envelope with my name in green, that was sitting on my bed. Without hesitation, I carefully tore open the envelope. The first few words stood out.

We shall become one
To share all the days of our lives...
Grover and Juniper
Request the honor of your presence at their marriage

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