4- Brick Walls

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Finally! I'm done with finals, which means...time for another chapter!!! I've been thinking and working on the next couple chapters, and I have most of it figured out clearly. BUT I can't tell you guys (clearly). Hopefully, you'll like it. On to the story! Btw, I do NOT own the characters. I am not the great Rick Riordan.

Percy's POV

Hmmmm... I am somewhat happy, giddy, and angry at the same time. Happy because of Annabeth. I know, I know I just met her, but... her smile, her blonde hair that smells like lemons. She actually doesn't care about my fame, which really surprised me.

Angry because I asked for her Instagram. Why her instagram?! Why not her phone number?! I am not a stalker! Percy, cool down. I'm cool. I'm calm. I'm never gonna see her again, and I asked for her Instagram. Way to go me! I guess it's better than nothing.

I made my way back to the hotel, through the back door. My hood and sunglasses are still on, and I made my way towards the front desk. I handed the bell hop the keys. I stole a quick glance at the main doors of the hotel. The paparazzi and fans diminished from the front of the hotel, but security guards still stood in their positions. Probably in case someone tries to sneak in to find me.

I was still light-headed from my trip. I quickly made my way back to my room.

As soon as I entered my room, I changed into more comfortable clothes: joggers and a white shirt. I laid down on the bed, and flipped through my phone. I was on Instagram looking through fans' comments about my temporary break. Temporary break as in finishing high school. I still have to be on disguise. You know, from people taking advantage of me. I think I'll be fine. I have my closest friends there (they know that I'm going to wear a disguise). Also, the teachers will know too.

I heard the door knob rattle, and Grover appeared carrying a bag of Lime-flavored Lays. He was dressed in his green pajamas and a plain white shirt. He must've went to the lobby just to buy chips.

"Hey, Perce," Grover laid down on his bed. He opened his bag of chips, and ate. "What did you do in the park?"

Somehow, I ended up at Annabeth's page. Grover's words started to fade away, as I looked through her page. Her page were mostly consisted of books, song covers, and other photos.

"-Perce, Percyyyyy," Grover shook me out of my daze. He was suddenly sitting down on my bed, running his hand up and down in front of my face.

"What?" I asked annoyed. I really wanted to keep looking through. I'm not a stalker. I'm just...interested? Yeah.

"Who's the girl?" Grover raised his eyebrows, and smirked like he knows something that I don't.

"She's just someone I met at the park. Why?" I asked, still staring at my phone that has Annabeth's page on.

"Just someone? Yeah, okay, sure. You better sleep now. I don't want to have to deal with waking you up late. Can't really afford to miss another flight," He said, walking towards the coffee table.
He rolled up his bag of chips, and drank water. After that, he went inside the bathroom.

I kept looking at Annabeth's covers. I played one. She had a guitar in hand. She started singing, and her voice was amazing! She had a vibrant, rich, clear voice that filled my ears. The video ended just in time for my phone to die from low battery. I went to charge my phone, and laid back down on the bed.

Grover came out from the bathroom, and laid down on his bed. He turned towards me, using his elbow as support.

"One more thing: be careful. I don't want you getting hurt or taken advantage of by a stranger you just met. Choose wisely," Grover said, turning off the lights.

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