20- Suspicions

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Annabeth's POV

Ring! Riiiiiiiiing!

Ugh... Why is someone calling me at... 4 in the morning?

I reluctantly opened my eyes and reached for my phone. I squinted, trying to look at the caller ID.


When does Thalia Grace wake up at 4 am? Last time I checked, she sleeps till noon on a Saturday.

"Hello?" I answered. My voice is so groggy.

"Can you tell your doorman to let me in? He thinks that I'm some sort of thief. What kind of thief walks in and ask to go inside someone's house?!" Thalia huffed.

"Thanks for the wake up call," I said sarcastically. "Why are you even here at 4 am?"

"Can you just tell him to let me in? Then I'll tell you why I'm here," Thalia said. I swear I can hear her rolling her eyes.

"Fine, wait a sec," I said and hung up on her. I walked out my door and head down the stairs.

This better have a good reason, Thalia.

Once I made my way down the dark staircase, I walked towards the elevator and pressed a button beside it.

"Hey, John. Can you let Thalia Grace in?" I said, holding down the button.

"Sure, Ms. Chase," He replied.

After a few seconds of standing, like an idiot, in the middle of my unlit living room, the elevator door opened and in came Thalia. She had her hair sticking up everywhere and was dressed in black sweatpants and a gray hoodie.
Her eyes were bloodshot and her face screamed "Murder!"

"What're you doing here?" I immediately asked.

"Jason and his buddies kept waking me up with all their ruckus. Dad and Hera left for a week for some business meeting, and Jason invited the Stolls, Leo, Nico, Frank, and Percy for the night," she said. She ran her hand through her hair and closed her eyes for a minute.

I walked in the kitchen, turned on the light, and grabbed two glasses of water. I handed one to her, and she gulped it down immediately.

"We just have to keep it down. Mom is still sleeping, and she usually wakes up at five. Might as well make breakfast, since I can't go back to sleep," I yawned. I turned the oven on and grabbed a pan from the cupboard.

Thalia nodded. "So, I heard you went off at Luke."

I stopped what I was doing. "How'd you know about that?"

"Percy told me," she said. I sighed and grabbed eggs from the fridge.

Of course. I should've known that when I told Percy about Luke, he would tell Thalia.

"Look, my cousins are loyal," she shrugged. "Besides, what were you expecting when you told him about Luke?"

"I don't know... How do you like your eggs?" I asked, preparing to crack the egg into the pan or bowl.

"Scrambled," she casually said. "What I'm confused about is how did Luke get into the same school, in the same year as you? It can't be a coincidence."

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