29- Grecian Nights

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Yes, there is a song.
Love me like you do by Ellie Goulding, but this is a cover from Tanner Patrick.
-The dress above is Annabeth's dress. It looks so beautiful!


Percy's POV

I have never been to a fashion show before, so I prepared myself for the worst: models in very revealing underwear, a lot of drama, and Aphrodite screaming her head off. When I got to the venue, it was surprisingly calm... if you take out the staff running around getting the paparazzi, critics, celebrities, and audience settled in, and cameras flashing everywhere I looked as I walked through the pink carpet- Aphrodite insisted to have it pink.

Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo, and I decided to come in one limo to "save money". Jason and I were the supportive boyfriends, while Frank, Hazel, and Leo were the supportive friends. The Stolls had a small trip with Hermes. Thalia and Nico refused to come because they said it'll be "too girly" and "too colorful". Such supportive friends.

The venue was enormous. It was almost the size of an arena. The ceiling was decorated with hanging, white lanterns. The seats formed a U shape around the stage and the runway. The backdrop of the stage had Aphrodite's company logo on a big screen. The runway was the same height as the stage. High enough that people in the very back would still be able to see, but also high enough for a model to break a leg, if she falls.

For half the show, I had to sit through watching models walking with underwear on. At one point, Hazel scolded at Frank for "staring too long" at one of the models. It was only 2 seconds, and besides, we can't just look anywhere but at the models. People might think we're bored and uninterested. We can't have magazines and newspapers with 'Percy Jackson and friends bored with Aphrodite's show' written on it.

During a break, one of the staff came to me to bring me backstage to get ready for my song. Models and staff were hustling, trying to get to their positions.

While the staff were fixing my microphone, I saw a glimpse of a familiar blonde, princess-curled hair. Annabeth.

Aphrodite came up to me and clasped her hands together. "Okay, Percy. I know you haven't had much practice, since this was very last minute, but it's simple. Just sing, be yourself, and interact with the models, when possible."

Interact with models. What was that supposed to mean?

I stared at her blankly. She rolled her eyes. "Just make eye contact with them while singing. Or smiling at them. Or giving them a twirl. Those kind of things, okay? Can't wait for you to see the surprise! Break a leg." With that, she left me with the staff and models.

Surprise? I always get confused with her.

A guy with a headset counted 3...2...1, handed me the microphone, and told me that it's time for me to walk out.

"Performing for the line, Grecian Nights, please welcome... Percy Jackson!"

Annabeth's POV

I felt my knees shaking, my feet sweating, and hands clammy. I wasn't ready for this. Am I going to trip? Is the dress showing too much chest? Is Mom going to be disappointed?

All the models were lined up in order, ready to walk. There was a tv monitor that people backstage could see what is being broadcasted. In the tv, I saw Percy standing on the stage, mic on the ready, and waiting for the commercial break to end. Just like how we rehearsed it.

You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

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