33- Paths

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Annabeth's POV

The coolness of December had left, replacing it with spring's mix of rain and shine.

After the holiday break, school started again. It went back to the regular schedule and routine. Back to Percy being Peter. Back to Calypso and Rachel's perky voices.

I haven't heard of Luke, since school came back. Some said he dropped out. Others said he left for another country. Whenever people asked Rachel and Calypso where he went, they both would shrug or ignore the question and bring the attention to what they're wearing.

I was relieved. Relieved that he's not there to get under my skin. Relieved that my mind can be peaceful without his presence.

Though, a part of me wants him to come back. Maybe because I want to understand him more. Understand by what he meant with him seeing me as a "sister". I don't know if it was his words or my own mind that started slowly letting me realize that maybe I did like him as a brother. All I know is that he's gone and I'm indecisive.


It was a Saturday in April. The day where Sally releases her first novel. I waited outside the penthouse building, waiting for Percy to pick me up. It's funny how Percy always picks me up at the front of the building, yet Mom still doesn't know about it.

A familiar red pick-up truck rolled in front of me. Inside the truck, Percy smirked.

"Frank's car again?" I asked, opening the passenger door. I sat inside.

"Yeah. Frank and Hazel have a date today," he said, "He wanted to borrow my car, so we switched cars."

I quickly put on the seatbelt, and we drove.

I smiled. "First time ever."

He gave me a confused look. "First time of what?"

"That I've seen you go inside a bookstore." I smirked. He chuckled.

Percy's POV

We arrived at the bookstore (I can't believe I'm saying that). It was packed with interviewers and people trying to see Mom and her books. When we got inside, I saw Mom sitting on a stool on top of a low stage. Around her sat future readers and interviewers. Paul sat close to the stage, taking pictures and videos.

Her dream came true. She has always put me first before herself. She chose jobs that helped me where I am now. She worked at the candy store for 10 hours a day, only to get minimum wage. She bought me my first guitar, so that I can have another passion besides the water. She got me where I am now.

Without her, I wouldn't be traveling around the world making music. Without her, I wouldn't be earning decent money to get us a new house and got her to stop working for bad jobs. Hell, she would probably still be working for minimum wage, if she didn't help me get to where I am. I am grateful for everything she does and seeing her talking about her book made me warm inside.

Annabeth and I sat near the corner where no one can notice us, besides Mom. We listened to her gush about her newly-acquired career to reporters.


Mom just finished her interviews, but started her signings for her books. A long line had formed to get a signed copy. She told Annabeth and I that we don't have to stay, and that we could venture out in the city. So we did.

Central Park was not too far away from here. A couple minutes of walking. So Annabeth and I did.

We saw a small, secluded area where there was one tree.

"I'll race you," Annabeth said, running towards the area. I took off my sunglasses.

"That's not even fair!" I called out, and ran after her. Her laugh rang out, blending in with the sound of the city life in the distance. It's crazy how in the middle of a busy city, an enormous park is formed.

When she got to the tree first, I was still running to it. I saw her laughing. The wind caught my hood and pulled it back. My hair spilled out.

I caught up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I carried her and spun her around. Our laughter were most likely heard. I put her down, and we both sat at the base of the tree. I held her hand.

"When are you going back to doing shows?" she asked, her face showing worry.

I pursed my lips. "End of the school year...but I have to start recording my album next week."

She glanced at me. "How long will you be gone for your tour?"

I looked down. My thumb brushed her knuckles. "One year."

"One year," she repeated. I could see gears turning in her head. "One year of you traveling the world. When you leave for tour, that's when I leave for Stanford."

Stanford? I thought. She never told me where she was going for college. She never told me she even applied to one.
"Stanford? They already accepted you?"

She gave a small chuckle. It sounded half-hearted. "More like they accepted me. They gave me full scholarship for architecture."

We're both leaving New York, I realized. I'll be everywhere. She'll be back at California. Different places, different time zones.

"Th-that's nice...I-I'm proud of you," I stammered. "And you accepted?"

"That's the plan. Stanford is closer to San Francisco than Yale. Although, Yale is good. I just want to be close to home," she said, putting her head on my shoulder. Our hands still locked. "How would we do it?"

"Do what?" I glanced at her.

"How do we keep in contact with each other? Calling from another country is expensive, and there's a time limit. We would be in different time zones. You'd be busy, and I'd be busy. We'd have to plan and schedule it pro-"

I interrupted her. "Hey. We'll figure it out once we get there, okay?" She nodded.

"We'll be fine," she said reassuringly. She reached towards me, her hand curling through my hair. She placed a gentle kiss on my lips, which I gladly returned.

"We'll be fine," I repeated.

They have different paths now. Ooooooh. How will they balance their education, work, and relationship?

Thank you, thank you so much for reading this chapter! I'm so grateful for the amount of support for this book. I love you all so much! I hope you all stay till the very end.

Feel free to leave comments down. I am open to suggestions, constructive criticism, etc. I love reading all of your comments, and I'll try to answer to all of them.


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-Brainy_dolphin <3

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