10- Thalia Threatens Percy

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Percy's POV

"Hey guys. Sorry we're late-"

As soon as I heard Nico talk, I scrambled away from Annabeth. I pushed myself backwards, while Annabeth sat up on the couch. When I pushed backwards, I forgot that there was a coffee table there, so I slammed my head against it. I rubbed my head and blushed. I awkwardly glanced at Annabeth, she was blushing too. I glared towards the intruders. Nico was laughing his ass off, while Thalia tried so hard to not laugh.

"Ooookay... I guess you two made yourselves comfortable while we were gone," Nico wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Oh my gods! I can feel my cheeks heat up. I probably looked like a  fucking tomato. Annabeth grabbed a throw pillow from the couch and threw it at him.

"Shut the fuck up, Nico," Annabeth said. That boy better run because Annabeth hits like hell. Trust me. I learned it the hard way.

Thalia clasped her hands together. She sat down next to Annabeth, and patted her knee. I'm so confused. I thought Thalia would be the one teasing me like no tomorrow, but now she's quiet.

"What did you work on when we were out?" Thalia asked. I picked up my guitar, and Annabeth walked over to the piano.

We sang our song that was pretty well-written, but it needs more work on it. Thalia and Nico listened to it. After we were done, they made a couple suggestions. They added some drums and one more acoustic guitar. We basically improved our song in a span of an hour.

It was almost evening, so Annabeth left. Someone came to pick her up. Nico had to go to Mcdonald's with a guy named Will. I'm not sure who that is. Thalia is still here at home. I was tuning some guitars, while Thalia was just sitting on the couch, observing me.

"You sure you two didn't do anything?" she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I swear we didn't do anything! Gods!" I blushed. She put her hands up.

"Jeez! Fine! Defensive now are we?" I ignored her. Other than the constant plucking of my guitar, it was quiet as a library.


"Yep?" I said, trying to get a guitar tuned but the E just won't tune. Oh my gods! This guitar is so frustrating!

"You should tell Annabeth."

"Tell her what?" I kept plucking the E string/note to get the right pitch.

"Stop plucking that fucking guitar! Tell Annabeth that you're Percy Jackson!" I stopped what I was doing, and looked at her straight in the eye.

"Then what? She's gonna hate me for not telling her!"

"She's gonna hate you more that you didn't tell her sooner than later," Thalia retorted.

"Look, I like it like this. Annabeth and I are happy. I don't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship with her just because I put on a stupid disguise, and I have to drop the bomb on her!" I became frustrated and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Tell her or I will tell her!" Thalia shouted at my face. She stood up from the couch.

"No! Don't tell her!" I shouted back.

"Then you will tell her. I didn't expect you and her to have a thing! I don't want her to be hurt just like last time!" Thalia screamed. My face grew red.

"Last time? What do you mean last time?" I asked. Her face changed from anger to shock. Thalia looked defeated and shook her head.

"It's not my place to say. Just please, tell her sooner than later." Thalia grabbed her bag, and exited out the door.

Last time?

Annabeth's POV

Oh my gods! I almost kissed him. I've only known him for 2 months! This is going way too fast!

My past relationship took us a year to finally kiss, yet here I am almost kissing a guy who I've known for 2 months.

Anyways, Juniper had picked me up, and sent me back home. When I walked through the elevator that went to our penthouse, Mom was sitting at the couch, wearing her business outfit. On the table in front of her, she had blueprints on the new building she was working on: Olympus. Basically, Olympus is her new architecture firm. Since her current building got too crowded, she decided to design a newer one.

"Annabeth? I've been trying to figure out some unique ideas for the front of the building, but I've run dry. Could you give me some ideas to work with?" She asked. I sat down on the empty space beside her.

"Of course."

During the two months I've stayed with her, I guess you could say that we grew closer. I'm still mad at her for what she did, but she's my mother. I can't seem to stay mad at her.

Once in a while, I would go with her to her office and work on some blueprints of my own. At times, I would give her suggestions when she runs dry of ideas.   She only runs out of them when she's had a long day of work.

I helped her figure out some things and changing some of her concepts. Erasing, adding, erasing, adding.

"You know, one day, you'll be a famous architect," she said, changing a small detail on the front entrance.

"Well, I learned from the best..."

The real question is which career am I pursuing? Architecture has been my passion ever since, but also music.

Architecture is all about building something permanent. My life constantly changes. My life has been a rollercoaster of emotions. One year, I'm completely satisfied and content. The next, I'm crying my eyes out. Another year, I'm in love and having the time of my life. Then the next, I'm depressed and heartbroken. I just want something stable and immortal, in a way.

Music is there. It comes and goes. Today's songs don't stick around, while the older ones lives on. It's all luck. You don't know if you'll make it. It's an adventure. You don't have a plan with you. You don't have blueprints, pens, and papers. You just basically YOLO it, I guess.

What do I really want to be?

I hate it when people ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" All I know is that I want a good life. But which path should I take? It's frustrating! One day, I want to be a musician, the next, I want to be a architect. How the fuck am I suppose to know what I want to be, if I'm split in the middle of two different careers?!

I am rambling way too much.

Sorry it's shorter than normal. Anyways, thank you again for the support for this story. This is my first ever fanfic, so it's amazing that it's going pretty well.

Vote and comment.

- Brainy_dolphin <3

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