16- The Past Is Present

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Annabeth's POV

"We're gonna fucking ace Apollo's project today," Thalia said, leaning on a locker.

We were at my locker heading to Mr. Blofis's English class. I took out my needed books and dropped off the ones I don't need.

"Hey. Do we need The Iliad today?" I asked.

She raised her eyebrows. "Do you really think I would know?"

Good point. I put it in my bag just in case.

"Rachel and Calypso have been weird lately," I said, looking around the hallway to see if they were here.

"Haven't they been acting weird for a long time? And you just took notice of it now?"

"I know, but why did they act this way all of a sudden? I've known Rachel for at least two years. I thought I would know her better than this," I said, my curiosity grew.

Two years. Two years I've known Rachel, been friends with her, hung out with her. Why? Why now? Why would she turn like this when everything in my life started to change? From SF to NY. From Dad to Athena. It just doesn't seem right. She can't just change from being my best friend to a... I don't even know what she is to me anymore. A friend? Enemy? Neutral? I don't even know with Calypso. I didn't talk to her as much.

I slung my backpack behind my back and turned to Thalia. She grew pale and her electric blue eyes turned darker.

"Speaking of the two devils... Here they come," Her voice turned grim. She nodded towards the end of the hallway. Strutting down the middle of the hallway were Rachel and Calypso. They wore their over-exposed clothes: tight shirt, short skirts. Their presence reeked of confidence. Confidence that is arrogant.

That was not the thing that unsettled me. Seeing people part and make way for the "devil duo" became a normal occurrence in Goode High.

What unsettled me was the guy walking with them. He walked with so much confidence. At least twice as much as the "devil duo". He had beach blond hair that went over his dull, blue eyes. His grim smile spread across his face. He had a scar across his cheek that was so familiar, it could only be one person. Luke.

I felt like crawling to a corner and hide. I felt like someone threw me a bunch of weights onto my body, and the person expected me to carry them. I felt like running away and finding an alley where I can hide my tears.

I stood there, staring at him, paralyzed, until Thalia snapped me out of it. I quickly hid my face with the locker door, while Thalia used her hood from her leather jacket and faced towards the closed lockers.

I heard them talk as they passed by us. "Do you see what we mean? We are treated like royalty here!" Rachel's now perky voice said.

Next to me, Thalia muttered under her breath, "Royalty my ass."

After they passed us and went around a corner, Thalia took her hoodie off and I lifted my head off the locker door. I slammed it shut.

"Why the hell is he here?" Thalia asked, pointing her finger to the corner that they left. She turned back to me and saw my expression. "You okay? Just forget you ever saw him, okay?"

I nodded even though I was not okay, and I would not forget that I saw him. So many questions fluttered around my head, but one thing was certain. My past is present.

Thalia dragged me to English class before the bell could catch us. I sat down on my seat in the front, while Thalia sat beside me.

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