chapter 41

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three months later.....

nea pov

i feel as though im on a high. as if ive been on drugs for the last three months. time has flew by with my boyfriend. spending weekends together. frequent date nights. its like ive been shown an entirely new world that ive only heard about from others. it feels good. really good. having something  to smile about again. tsk....feels as though the house is much less big. like it doesnt still have like 10 bedrooms. actually making use of the daily amenities of my home. the pool, the face felt hot. i try not to overwhelm myself but....well he is just so sexy. i cant help it. he is more than willing me out for lack of a better word. 'what are boyfriends for?' he would joke. i sighed. lately it feels as if my appetite is growing. like my body is jumpstarting and trying to catch up on over a decade of not having any. he is right there every time too. sometimes i dont even need to ask. sometimes he just starts. literally. out of no where he would start kissing all over my body, sending warm pulses and leaving absences of heat....everywhere. sometimes i feel a bit lazy when it comes to relations. often i just lay back and let him have his way. i want to be show him my own enthusiasm for being with him. i cant just sit back and be lazy--the office phone started buzzing. i hit the intercom button. "yes?" i said, seeing as this is a rare occurrence. didnt expect any visitors....well ever. "Mr Campbell, there is a mr (L/n) here to see you. he says that he brought lunch," said the receptionist. i looked at the clock, 12:25 pm. it is lunch time. "yes thank you. could you please direct him to my office?" well isn't that the nicest thing. didnt expect him to pay me a visit.

he was smiling when he walked in. he closed the door behind him. "well isn't this a surprise. didnt expect a visit," i said as i stood up. he walked over and kissed me. "well....since you are always soooo lonely and i didnt have class today. i figured we could enjoy some lunch today," he said, taking a seat across from me. he put a big bag on my desk. "what did you bring?" i asked, reaching into the bag. "nothing, just some commoner food. i know that you are used to food that costs at least 50 bucks so i figured we could go super cheap today," he said, digging into the bag with me. i opened the little foam tray, revealing some simple Swedish meatballs. he wasn't lying when he said im used to expensive cuisine. im used to people caring about how the food looks when its presented to the customer. the noodles were drenched in sauce with much larger than normal meatballs scattered through out. cant say it looked very appetizing. "its good. trust me, nea," he said, already half way through his own serving. "well here goes nothing," i muttered, swirling some noodles on my fork and tearing off a bit of a meatball. i ate it and my brain fucking exploded. how on earth can such disgusting looking food be so delicious? he chuckled. "good isn't it? i actually know the guy who makes this. gave me a discount. both plates were a whopping 5 bucks each, aint that something?" he chuckled, finishing off his. i couldn't help but devour the plate.

after finishing the wondrous lunch, we enjoyed some casual conversation. talking about our days. pretty much catching up on what we did during the last two days apart. like usual, my time was pretty boring but his....i dont know how he does it. working full time and going to school full time. it must be tough. "you know, ian....i have like ten bedrooms. house is pretty big for just little ole me. surely you know, move in?" i knew i was taking a risk here. dating for only three months and im ready to see him when i wake up in the morning. im trying not to move to fast but....well at this point, im just throwing it out there. he raised a brow, showing some suspicion. i raised my hands up in surrender. "just throwing it out there. living in the dorms, working full time and going to school full time seem pretty taxing. at least living with me, you could work a little less and focus more on school," i defended. he chuckled, taking a sip of his soda. "im gonna be honest with you, nea. right just not the time..." i frowned at that,"...moving out right now would mean only getting to see my friends sparingly when i go to work and class with no time in between. i work so much because it allows me to stay relatable to my friends, not that that isn't already falling to the wind. them knowing that my boyfriend is rich is surely creating animosity already. i cant add to that by moving in with you just yet but i do appreciate the offer. one day id like to take you up on it," he said, sipping his soda again. i sighed. i knew i was taking a risk. now its gonna be a little awkward between us, isn't it? all of a sudden, i feel as if i was trying to move to fast. i sighed.

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