chapter 3

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two days later...

lenalee pov

"im off to school, mom!" i chimed as i walked out the door. i got a bye as i headed out the little gate and made my way down to Miranda's house to wait for her. i texted her.

me: are you ready yet? its almost time

Miranda: yes! im coming out now!

at that, the door opened, revealing her in a blue blouse and some tight black jeans. "omg we are twinning!" i chimed as she walked down her stairs and out the little gate to meet me. we started heading to school. "did you find a date for prom? if not, im sure krory's brother could--" "nope. i already have my eye on a certain guy. im gonna ask him soon," i said, my face getting hot. "well you better ask him soon. prom is in two months, right before graduation. did you get your dress?" she asked. i nodded. "mom just bought it like two weeks ago. it should arrive sometime today," i said. she chuckled. we finally made it to the front gate of the high school. "hey you guys!" we both looked over to see Miranda's boyfriend krory waiting at the gate. "morning! did you finish the math homework from last night? if so i REALLY need to copy so i dont miss it," i said. he joined us in walking, Miranda putting an arm in his. "i got about half done. i was actually gonna talk to lavi about getting the rest before third period," he said. i sighed. looks like ill have to finish it off during second period. this is different for me. if i hadn't stayed up all last night talking about prom with Miranda, i would have had it done. we got to the front door. "this is where we split. ill see you guys fourth period!!" i waved, earning waves from them before taking off to my locker. i put up my things before heading to my first class.

third period....

i let out a deep breath. i can do this. i held firm to my things before walking into class. a quick scan of the class revealed that he had not yet arrived. i took my seat near the window, two seats back from the front row. i dug out my math homework so the teacher can grab it on the way. ok. i can do this. i waited, trying my best not to look weird. the teacher made his way around, picking up the assignments before getting back up to the front. "ok class..." i sighed. the teacher started teaching and my crush hasn't shown up y--"...hold on! im here!" he walked in, sending a wave of relief through my body. one more missed day and he would get an in-school-suspension. then what would i do! he walked in and took his seat. he got a few scolding words from the teacher before he went back to teaching. i sighed. mr lavi bookman, my long time crush. the fiery red hair, the black eye patch, his persona: a mix of nerd and jock. smart enough to be with the smart kids like moi and down to earth enough to chill with the cool kids. he always had older friends. now that he is a senior like me, im sure he has a bunch of college buddies. one day, ill muster the courage to talk to talk to him. i mean, im gonna have to if he is to be my prom date. as far as i know, he dont have a girl friend. never talks about relationships either. naturally that means he is just looking for the right one like me. he seemed to be down about something. i dont want to resort to something so childish as note passing but....something's gotta break the ice between us. "...its time for your packets. you may do them as a group but you gotta show the work," said the teacher. good! this could work! i looked over at lavi.....already getting swarmed by people in the class. really a lot of thirsty bitches who just wanna look at him the whole time. me? i can hold my own. he started rejecting proposal after proposal. he scanned the class, presumably looking for an escape. i turned my attention to the paper that was sat in front of me. i was alone, meaning that im the perfect candidate to...."hey, lenalee. you mind if i work with you?" he said, taking a seat next to me. "sure," i replied casually. i cant be thirsty like those other bitches or he will leave. gotta play it cool. we started going through the packet.

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