chapter 27

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the next day...

reader pov

"why have you been neglecting me lately?" he grunted. we were again just lounging about in his bed the morning after my date. "i dont know what you are talking about, daisya," i said as i changed the channel. "you know what the fuck im talking about. its been like three days since we had sex. you be sleeping over the other guy's house all the time. you fucking went on a date last night. what the hell? what am i too you?" he looked at me, an ice cold glare on his face. "a good friend," i stated. "what the fuck! friends dont spend this much time together, ian. they dont spend the night all the fucking time. we eat together, shower together, and sleep together. how in the fuck can you call us friends?" he took the remote from my hand and flipped the tv off. he straddled me, making me look at him. "if this is too much for you, i do still have an apartment that i could go to. i dont want you thinking too much into our relationship, daisya. you are perfectly free to go and be with other people. you arent exclusive to me. we are good friends. id even call ya my best friend. most of the time we spend together isn't because we want it to be that way. you are still my body guard. you come with me to all my appointments to make sure im safe. that's it. my reason for being here right now is simple: its boring at my apartment all by myself," i said flatly, rubbing his sides soothingly. "why do you keep do this to me!? you know im young. you know how im feeling about you!! why do you keep acting like its not a big deal!!" i could actually see tears form in his eyes. "why do you keep doing this to yourself, daisya? you know how i feel about you too. ive never made it a secret that i dont want to be more than good friends with you. im sure there are other people you've been with. you are only 17, why dont you talk to the person who took your virginity? im sure you have feelings for him too," i said. "BUT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TOOK MY VIRGINITY!!" he screamed unnecessarily loud. i sighed. "daisya, listen to me. i--" he smashed his lips against mine, gripping my head so i couldn't pull away, the tears flowing smoothly. i sighed. i really should have saw this coming. its my fault, ill admit it. i could have left alot sooner but i didnt and now im sure he has convinced himself that he loves me. i need to get out of here. keep my distance from him. i could....go over marie's house. i do owe him at least one night of satisfaction and we haven't talked in a while so we could catch up. i pried his grip off me and held his head, watching the tears flowing. "please, daisya. dont do this to yourself. you had me convinced this whole time that i was just a conquest for you. if you would have told me that you were still a virgin, i wouldn't have fucked you that first time just to avoid this situation right here. its not that i dont like you. im just the first person who has did things to you while you were naked and vulnerable. that's why you feel so strongly for me. this isn't love in the slightest. gonna go, ok? im gonna leave for a while till the tempest of emotions inside you die down and you mellow out. i still wanna be friends might be better if we only talked while doing drops. you were right, daisya. ive been leading you on this whole time so im gonna leave," i pushed him off of me and got out of bed. "but i dont want you to go!!" he yelled, reaching for me. damn man! two mental break downs in just two days! i quickly got dressed and gathered up my clothes that i brought over when i spent the night. i stuffed them in a bag before walking to the door. "ill text you when its time for my appointments for the day. try not to call me 30 times, ok? ill see you later," i made my way out.

later on that night....

im so glad i only had three appointments scheduled for the day. i decided to give myself a break from all this for a day or so. three appointments today and none tomorrow. i can sorta feel normal now. at least for a little bit. daisya seemed to have mellowed out too. he went from screaming just this morning to constantly giving me dirty looks while he drove back to his house. its fine though. im all good. im sure if i give it some time, daisya will find someone else and ill be in the clear. he pulled into his driveway, at which i face palmed. "take me home, daisya. back to my apartment from which you picked me up from," i said. "no," he grunted, taking the keys out the ignition and putting them in his pocket. "really? are we really gonna do this?" i asked as we got out the car. "i wanna fuck," he grunted walking up to me. he went in for a kiss. i didnt let him. "we went over this, daisya. im not gonna keep giving you a reason to believe that we are dating. take me home, now," i said moving to get back in the car. he pulled his gun, at which i again, sighed. "daisya...please---" "NO! im not gonna let you walk away from this, ian. you are gonna come back to my apartment and.....and you are gonna love me!" i could see him starting to cry again. "or what, daisya? you gonna kill me? of course that will make me love you, huh? or what? you just gonna shoot me somewhere that's not fatal? you will have to take me to the hospital so i wont die and then i REALLY wont love you. in fact, i would be more likely to hate you at some point. not to mention the fact that if wisely found out you are threatening me with your gun, im sure he would have you killed. he would do so with a heavy heart. i want to be friends, daisya. that's it. it was my own mistake for bringing sex into our relationship and im sorry for it. if that means we can only talk during drops then so be it. take me home now, daisya," i started to the car again. " not gonna be your body guard anymore. you can go to all your fucking appointments alone for all i care. i...i dont wanna see you ever again," i could see the tears flowing as he turned and walked away, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. i sighed. of course something like this would happen. looks like ill have to walk. i also need to get into contact with wisely to see what he wants to do about this. i looked at my watch, 9:15 pm. shit. that's pretty late. i shouldn't have listened to him when he insisted i schedule them later. i looked around the neighborhood. i think im about a mile from rhode's house. i started jogging.

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