chapter 28

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reader pov

he busted out laughing. "im serious, suman. at that point i just ignored him cause i knew he wouldn't stop till he fell asleep," i said. he just laughed even harder. i sighed. me and suman ended up meeting for lunch at a coffee shop downtown. we sat outside and enjoyed the cool air of the late afternoon as the sun was setting. "i cant believe you would put up with that. what on earth did you see in him that made you so willing to go through hell like that?" he asked, taking a sip of coffee. i shrugged. "i figured that if you stay with someone long enough they might see how terrible they really are. i thought everyone needed someone and i was willing to brave it," i took a sip of tea. "how did you guys break up?" he asked. "that was something else too. we were headed back to the city on his private jet. it was getting close to landing time and he was restless for some reason. i asked him what was up. he had convinced himself that the reason i was still there with him, despite how terrible he was, was because i was in love with him. he told me it was ok that i hadn't confessed to him and that he also shared the sentiment and that he wanted to act on such a sentiment...." his eyes widened,".....then he pulled out the little black box and proposed," i said. he gasped. "oh that's cruel, ian. you rejected his marriage proposal?" he asked. "if i hadn't, i wouldn't be here right now...with you," i gave him a love struck gaze. he blushed. "g-g-go ahead with the story," he stuttered, taking a sip of coffee. he choked. "oh my god are you ok?! ill perform mouth to mouth!" i got up and walked around to his chair. his blush grew darker. " fine, ian. no need to be alarmed," he said. "im still gonna perform mouth to mouth," i grinned, leaning down and kissing him warmly. i wont deny i do feel a strong like for this guy. i like how he resists in spite of himself.

its clear he wants to go home with me right but he is trying to know more about me so he wont feel like some random conquest. i dont mind. im an open book really. do i mind the wait? naw. we arent cannon so i can be with other people to take the edge off but....if he asked then i wouldn't exactly say no. i pulled away, watching his blush get impossibly darker. "i can see that you are breathing," i whispered against his lips. he actually held his breath. i busted out laughing. "what?" he said, his lips curling into a grin. "you real funny," i said. i backed away a few steps as he stood up. "thank you, ian. for saving my life," he pulled me into another kiss. i heard some gasps. yeah, we were kinda making out in public. i honestly didnt care. i grabbed his waist and pulled him closer, shamelessly licking in his mouth. he gripped my neck and pulled, making the kiss deeper. i felt tempted to grab his ass but i relented, not trying to violate him in public. ill just settle for this kiss. we made out for a good five minutes before i pulled away, putting my head against his. "i fucking love kissing you," he whispered, kissing me again. i pulled away. "im sure there is something else you would love doing with me but....well that would make you too easy so we are going to the carnival," i pulled away and grabbed his hand. i let him away, tossing a hundred on the table for the tab.

suman pov

i literally forgot how we came to be together. we just walked through the carnival. at some point my hand snaked into his. he didnt resist, instead moving to intertwine our fingers. its been so long since ive held someone's interest genuinely. it felt like it was ages ago that we were standing in that alley. i had revealed that i was FBI to who soon became my informant and.....well hopefully one day my boyfriend. i...i felt a connection with ian. i really did. i think it was more than physical but....well i cant say much more about that. i haven't known him long but....well i would love to see where this goes. what sorta potential he has. we sat in the car of the Ferris wheel as it was riding up. the coolness of the breeze. the darkness of the night. my hand in his just resting on his thigh as we gazed out at the starting fireworks. "hey ian..." "hmm?" " you wanna do in life? i know you are young but im sure you have dreams," i said. "tsk....what dont i wanna do. id like to see a little more of the world before i settle down to be honest. sure i saw a bunch of countries while traveling with sheril but....i wanna feel good. i dont want to just be grinning and bearing being with him. i want to feel good. actually enjoy the tourist spots and romantic destinations. honestly i want to do all that with the man i love. to be with him before, during, and after the trip. after that....well i wanna settle down to be honest. after getting a degree, i wanna get a good job, have kids and a big house. all that. just be happy," he said.

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