Chapter 14

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Not edited, so please excuse errors.

(Tommie, Queen, Scrapp & Santana in the MM.)


I watched as Kayden's body dropped and blood and brain manner gushed out of his head.

"Oh my god!" Queen and I screamed.

I looked directly at Sas as he ran out of the club.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" I kept repeating as I got on my knees trying to get Kayden up.

Tears ran down my face as I looked at what Sas just did. He really killed a man because I was talking to him.

"I'm so sorry!" I screamed, holding onto his lifeless body.

"Bri, we have to go!" Queen yelled pulling me as everyone else ran out of the club.

"I can't believe he did that." I cried as we got to my car.

When we got in and my hands were shaking so much I couldn't even put the key in the ignition.

"Bri, calm down." Queen said but it all went on deaf ears as my mind went back to what just happened.

"You're really gorgeous, we should get together again." Kayden smiled showing his pearly whites.

"Sure, that sounds cool." I smiled back at him. He was really fine.

"Here, put your number in my phone." He reached for his phone and before I knew it.




Three shots rang off and his face turned from happiness to hurt as his body dropped.


"Bri!" Queen yelled breaking me from my thoughts.

"I'm so sorry Kayden." I cried laying my head on the steering wheel. My body shook knowing that I was the cause of a innocent man's death tonight.

I quickly got out the car as I felt vomit coming up.

I emptied my stomach in the club's parking lot as more tears fell from my eyes from me straining. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"It's not your fault Bri." Queen tried to comfort me.

"No it is. If I would've never talked to him, he would be alive!" I screamed.

"Let's go home Bri, please." Queen spoke calmly.

My body was in complete shock and I couldn't stop shaking.

"Bri, you have to calm down." Queen grabbed my hand.

My breathing increased and I could feel my chest becoming tight.

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