The End...? (Isekai Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! I wrote this one a long time ago, before the end of the manga was published. I guess now, it technically counts as an "alternate ending" to the canon story. Hope you enjoy!

The world had ended – at least, from your point of view.

After almost a decade of reading and watching Attack on Titan, the end had finally come. And with it, your favorite character – your husbando, your soulmate, the man you loved above all else – Captain Levi Ackerman...had died.

You had been up all night, sobbing into your pillow and cursing Hajime Isayama's name. When you woke up the next morning – late, but not really caring because it was the weekend and you had nowhere to go – all you wanted to do was lie in bed and cry some more. But when your tear ducts ran dry, you figured you should actually do something. At the very least, you should brush your teeth.

You owned so much Levi paraphernalia that it hurt to stay inside and look at it, so you decided to go out for a walk. It was a fairly nice day, which only served to upset you further. After all, the sky had no right to look so bright when your life was so grey.

You hung your head as you walked, continuing to mope about Levi. You weren't paying much attention, and you wandered aimlessly through the sidewalks of your neighborhood. The one small mercy, you supposed, was that the streets were practically deserted today, so you could at least sulk in peace.


You whipped your head around, yanked from your thoughts by the sudden sound behind you. And there, lying on the ground that had been bare mere moments before, was a seemingly unconscious and very attractive man.

"Oh my gosh!" you exclaimed, rushing to his side. "Are you alright?"

He didn't respond to your words, so you reached out and shook his arm. "Hey!" you called, seriously hoping he wasn't dead.

To your relief, the man let out a pained groan, and his face scrunched up as he entered consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, clearly confused as they looked up at the sky, then at you. Those eyes so sharp, so perceptive, that you felt as if he could see straight through to your soul. It was...kind of unsettling.

"What the hell happened?" he mumbled, wincing as he sat up.

"Um...I'm not sure," you stammered. "I was just walking by, and you showed up out of nowhere."

"Tch," he scoffed.

You weren't sure why, but the man seemed very familiar to you. However, you couldn't think of where you would have seen him before. Surely, if you had ever met someone this hot, you would have remembered. "So...what's your name?" you asked.

"Levi," he muttered. "Yours?"

"I'm (f/n) –"

You cut off, your brain suddenly catching up to his words. And you knew, without a doubt, where you had seen him before. His physical appearance...the way he spoke...even the clothes he had on now were the same as when you had last seen him. But, to be fair, he had been a drawing then.

"L-Levi?" you sputtered, gaping at him in awe.

He rolled his eyes. "That's what I said. Idiot."

"B-but...y-you're..." You were stunned. Your mind couldn't even form a complete sentence. How was this possible?

"Tch. Fine," he grumbled. "I'll just –"

He paused in his effort to stand up, his eyes locked curiously on his left leg.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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