Far, Far Away (Pilot Levi x Jedi Reader AU)

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"You wanted to see me, sir?" Captain Levi asked as he stepped inside the strategy room, where Commander Erwin was hunched over the center table, his features drawn and focused.

"Ah, Levi," the leader of the Rebel Alliance mused, his concentration softening into warmth as he straightened, motioning for Levi to join him at the table. "We have a new assignment for you."

Levi moved to Erwin's side, his eyes glancing down at the screen Erwin had been studying so intently. It was a map of Troithe's cityscape – where he knew billions of humans and non-humans lived. A few points had been dotted in red, with indicators like "drop point" and "last known location" printed off to the side.

Levi looked up at his superior, wondering what kind of mission this would be. As the best pilot in the Alliance – and likely the entire galaxy – he was always given the highest-priority assignments, which often came with the most danger as well. Whatever was on Troithe, it must've been important.

Erwin explained, "As I'm sure you're aware, at the end of the Clone Wars, the Empire ordered the execution of all Jedi. The Imperialists recognized that the Jedi were the biggest threat to their fascist regime, and assassinated them before they had a chance to fight back."

"And?" Levi muttered impatiently. "What's the point of this history lesson? Everyone knows what happened."

"Not quite," Erwin replied, a soft smile pulling at his lips. He was used to the captain's irritated demeanor by now, and in fact, he found it endearing. "The galaxy believes that all the Jedi were wiped out, when in reality, many of them survived. Not enough to stop the Empire from seizing power, but more than the Empire would like. In the chaos following the Clone Wars, they scattered across the galaxy and went into hiding. However, one of them works for us, and she's been helping us track down others – to see if they'll join our cause."

Levi's brow furrowed. He was privy to a great deal of confidential information in the Alliance, and even he hadn't known they had a Jedi working for them. Her existence must've been extremely classified, in that case. Still, he didn't see why Erwin would tell him about her now. "What's this got to do with me?" he asked.

The commander's mouth flattened into a grim line. "We provided her a support crew – to help her get around, and for added protection against the Empire's soldiers and mercenaries. But...they were ambushed on Troithe. Only (f/n) – the Jedi – managed to escape with her life. She sent us a distress signal, but without a ship or a crew, she's stranded. We need you to extract her...and to be her new support."

"Tch. You're kidding," Levi uttered. "You want me to be a Jedi's babysitter?"

"It's a lot more than that," Erwin insisted. "We need all the help we can get, Levi, and the Jedi are powerful allies. During the Clone Wars, it was said that just one of them was worth a hundred battle droids, if not more."

"And you actually buy into all that hocus pocus?" the captain snapped, truly irritated now. "If the Jedi were really that good, we wouldn't be in this mess."

Erwin sighed, then began softly, "If this is about Corellia..."

"It's not," Levi hissed. "I know the Empire is the only one to blame for that. I'm just saying we can't rely on mystical shamans to save us. An X-Wing or a good blaster helps far more than some stupid fairytale."

"Levi, please," the commander murmured, causing Levi to blink in surprise. "We need you to do this."

Levi's eyes flicked to the side, no longer combative. "Tch. Fine," he uttered quietly. "If you say it's important...you know I'll do it."

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