The Legend of Ackermans (Levi x Reader) - Book One: Water

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Here's another two-parter for you, and it's a crossover with Avatar! It does contain some spoilers about Levi's physical state at the end of the manga. (Although, with all the pictures floating around the internet, I'd be surprised if anyone remains unspoiled by this point.) Enjoy!

You always knew you were a waterbender. Your mother told you your family had come from a whole tribe of them, before the Walls were built. She even taught you the small bit of waterbending she'd been able to learn from her mother, though it was only the basic skills. And of course, she constantly reminded you to keep your abilities a secret, lest you be persecuted as a witch by the Wall Cult.

Then, when the Scouts reached the sea and subsequently made contact with the outside world, you were introduced to Kyomi Azumabito, an ambassador from Hizuru. She told you the Water Tribe still existed on the other side of the world – there were two of them, in fact, near the North and South Poles. And after the Rumbling was stopped and peace achieved, it was Ms. Azumabito who suggested you take Levi to the Northern Water Tribe, which was renowned for its healers.

At first, you were incredibly nervous. You wondered if the members of the Water Tribe would be disappointed by your ignorance, or maybe even hate you for it. Yet, all your worries were swept away the moment you stepped off the boat onto the icy shore, and a group was there to welcome you with warm smiles and handshakes. One elderly lady even asked if she could give you a hug.

"Welcome! Or I should say, welcome home," a bearded, middle-aged man boomed jovially. "I'm Toakaq, Chief of the Water Tribe. This is my wife, Rihani. Our daughter, Princess Kila. And my mother-in-law, Omayi."

While he spoke, he gestured first to the stunning, bright-eyed woman at his side, then to a teenage girl who appeared to be the perfect mix of her parents, then to the elderly woman who'd asked to hug you.

"And behind me are some of your fellow Water Tribesmen," Toakaq explained, gesturing to the crowd clad in blue-and-white coats behind him. "They wanted to greet you as well."

"It's lovely to meet you all," you stated, nearly overwhelmed by all the attention. "I'm (f/n), and this is my husband, Levi."

Levi gave them a nod from where he sat in his wheelchair – his legs wrapped in a stack of blankets to guard against the cold.

"We know," Rihani said, her voice as beautiful as her face. "We've heard so much about you. Why, we were beside ourselves when we found out waterbenders had been on Paradis all this time! And now that you're here, we want you to feel at home. This is your home, like my husband said, and we'll be happy to help with anything you need. Food, clothes, a place to stay, waterbending lessons. All you have to do is ask."

"That's very kind of you," you murmured. "I'm sure we'll be needing all those things, but the main reason we came is actually to find a healer. My husband was severely injured during the war, and we were hoping someone here could help."

"You're in luck, sweetie," Omayi chimed, grinning broadly. "Master Katara just happens to be visiting, and she's the best healer in the world."

"We can take you to meet her right now, if you like," Toakaq offered. "Traveling by boat through the canal is the quickest option. Will you be alright transferring, Levi?"

"Fine, thanks," Levi grumbled, and you gave his shoulder a subtle squeeze – a silent promise of your support.

You helped Levi into the boat before folding up his wheelchair and stowing it, then sitting down beside him. The chief and his family filled in behind you, along with a couple men who you initially assumed were guards. But once the boat started moving, you realized they were waterbenders – pushing you toward the palace with their abilities.

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