Falling Flat (Levi x Thin Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! A lot of people requested a story basically the opposite of "Soft", where the reader is incredibly skinny (flat-chested, bony, gangly, however you want to call it). You'd think I would've been faster about writing this, because I somewhat fall into this category myself, but alas, it took me this long to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and remember to make long hissing noises at anyone who dares to insult your meat suit!

When word got out that you were dating Humanity's Strongest Soldier, you had been expecting to encounter some weirdos, given Levi's celebrity status. However, hadn't been prepared for the sheer number of people whose attention fixated on you whenever you went out. Both men and women cast jealous glares in your direction. Shopkeepers tried to give you things for free. Complete strangers saddled up to you to ask whether Levi was a good kisser, what he was like in bed, whether his you-know was proportional to his height.

In addition to what they said and did to your face, people whispered behind your back. Sometimes, you merely overheard them on accident, while other times, you were certain they'd meant for you to hear. But either way, they all sneered the same thing.

Why would Captain Levi pick you?

You dodged all the questions and ignored all the glares, but it was hard to get past the multitude of people asking why Levi – who could've had anyone in the Walls – didn't choose someone else. You had often wondered the same thing yourself, and hearing your insecurities echoed in the mouths of every person you passed only served to strengthen them. After all, Levi was a hero, and completely perfect in your eyes. Even after months of dating him, you still couldn't quite process that he was attracted to anything about you – that he'd pick you when there were more popular girls like Nifa, or cuter ones like Petra.

Most of all, his choice was surprising because you were flat as a board, with no feminine curves to speak of – or any curves, really. Your family was always telling you to eat more, always trying to shove more food onto your plate, even now that you were an adult. Sometimes, strangers made similar, unsolicited comments about how you must be starving. But no one seemed to understand that your body type had nothing to do with how much you ate. Even if you stuffed yourself to uncomfortably full levels, your bones would always stick out, your feminine parts would never fill in.

You weren't naïve. You'd heard your comrades' drunken conversations about how they all liked having something to grab onto, how they loved feeling that soft hourglass figure, how they loved watching certain areas bounce and sway. While Levi had never exactly been part of those discussions, you couldn't imagine his desires would be very different from the rest of them. You couldn't imagine he would want someone so...lacking.

That concern once again came to mind while you looked at yourself in the mirror, dressed in a nice, casual outfit. It was one of your favorites, but even the most flattering clothes couldn't create curves where there were none. You frowned slightly at your reflection, accepting that this was as good as it would get.

Right on time, Levi met you at your door before the two of you began your date – which was really just a morning walk through town. You both appreciated the ability to keep things uncomplicated, to simply spend time together. Besides, the crisp weather that accompanied the last few weeks of autumn was refreshing, and its chill gave you an excuse to cuddle a bit closer than usual to Levi while you strolled arm-in-arm through the cobblestone streets.

For a while, you were able to forget everything else and simply enjoy the picturesque town with your boyfriend. Not many people were out this early, so the streets were empty and quiet. It felt like you two were in your own little world.

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