Eaten Alive (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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Levi struggled to get out of the titan's grip, but it was no use. That giant hand was nearly crushing him, squeezing the breath from his lungs and grinding his bones painfully. He could only kick his legs feebly while the monster lifted him to its oversized mouth.

He'd always known it would end like this – accepted it a long time ago. Only a small number of Scouts lived to retire, and those that did often concluded their military career with fewer limbs than they'd started with. He was not exempt from that grim fate, for even Humanity's Strongest Soldier wasn't invincible.

At least he'd been able to save a few of his wounded comrades before he'd been overwhelmed by the titans' sheer numbers. With a little luck, they'd make it back to the rest of the regiment, live to fight another day. Hell, maybe they'd even be the ones to put an end to this mess and free humanity for good.

But he wouldn't be there to see it.

As he observed the titan's bloody, pumpkin-sized teeth, the mouth opening to devour him, his thoughts turned to his wife.

He could picture her crying when she found out he was gone. He didn't want to hurt her – he'd initially refused to get involved with her for this very reason – but she'd assured him she'd rather have him for a brief time than never have him at all. And while their years together did feel brief, now, they had been filled with happiness. He recalled how much they'd laughed together on their first date, how beautiful she'd looked on their wedding day, how she'd smiled whenever she brought him tea in the morning or wrapped a blanket around his shoulders at night. And he was grateful.

The pressure around his body suddenly released – and then he was falling, falling. He closed his eyes, letting himself imagine for the briefest moment that he was flying, that the titans had been defeated and now, he and his friends were setting out to explore a world they'd only dreamed of. Even Isabel and Furlan were there – because why not? They were part of him, and he wanted them by his side for whatever came next. And his wife...she was closest, holding his hand...

"Levi! No!"

His eyes snapped open at that voice – her voice – breaking as she screamed his name. His wife was here. But...

Too fast, he was inside the titan's mouth. An uncomfortable humidity nearly suffocated him seconds before his body was compressed into the titan's soft throat. His empty, metal blade sheaths dug into his legs, and his arms wrenched painfully, pinned at awful angles while he slid feet-first down that slick tunnel. The last thing he saw was his wife jumping after him – her eyes wide and desperate – before the world disappeared completely.

He landed in a pool of something hot and viscous, and there were things floating around in it, bumping up against him. He'd already known what he'd find in a titan's stomach, having seen their vomit plenty of times, but even if not, the smell would've given it away. The air reeked of death – of blood and rotting flesh. He was standing in what was left of his comrades.

Levi had only a moment to process this before he heard a startled noise from above him. On instinct, he stepped to the side just as something dropped into the pool right where he'd been standing, splashing him with blood. A second later, that something breached the surface, coughing and wheezing for breath.

"Levi?" his wife called, panic clear in her voice. "Levi? Where are you?"

He gasped her name, immediately wading to her side, reaching to find her in the darkness. Pain shot down his right arm at the attempt, and he found it was too stiff to move more than a few centimeters. It must've gotten dislocated when he'd been swallowed, but no matter – there were more important things to deal with. "I'm here," he murmured, grabbing onto her and pulling her close. "I'm here."

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now