Needed (Levi x Reader x Erwin)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Just wanted to say a quick thanks, because this book has reached 10K votes!  I hope you all continue to enjoy my stories, and please do give my account a follow if you haven't already, so you can receive notifications for new posts and important announcements. 

You shut the door behind you with a soft click. "Hey – Miche said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes," Erwin stated, smiling warmly as he waved a hand, beckoning you to come closer.

You crossed the spacious room that was his office, watching while Erwin stacked his paperwork neatly and set it aside, preparing to give you his full, undivided attention. He stood to greet you as you drew near, reaching out to gently brush his knuckles across your cheek in a fond caress. His hand lingered on your skin, and you instinctively leaned into the touch, feeling safe and warm and home.

"How was your day?" he asked, still smiling as his soft gaze held yours. "Not too taxing, I hope?"

"Not at all," you assured him, your lips twisting into a playful grin as your eyes flicked to the paperwork on his desk, then back to him. "It seems like you're the only one who's focused on work today."

He chuckled as he let his hand fall, and you missed the contact immediately. "Well, I need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up before everyone leaves for their week-long vacation. Which reminds me – I have a question for you."

"Shoot," you told him, casually resting your hip against the edge of his desk.

Erwin's blue eyes were alight with a sparkle you'd become very familiar with over the past year. "My uncle offered to let me use his vacation home for the next week. It's a beautiful spot – beside a lake, with a stunning view of the mountains. It also happens to be quite secluded. And he said I could bring company, if I wanted."

"Mmm, how very generous of him," you purred, liking where this was going.

"Indeed," Erwin concurred. "I'd like for you and Levi to come with me. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

"Are you kidding?" you chuckled. "You're asking me to spend an entire week in a secluded lake house with the two sexiest men alive. Who wouldn't jump at that chance?"

He grinned broadly, clearly pleased at your agreement. His hand reached out and found yours, bringing it to his lips so he could press a kiss to your knuckles. But then his smile faltered at the corners, his expression dimming just a bit. "I didn't want to assume," he told you. "After what happened outside the Walls, I wasn't sure if you'd rather not travel."

"Not at all," you insisted, banishing the memory before it could fully form in your mind. "I think getting away from base would be good for me. And for you, Mr. Workaholic." You finished by poking him in the chest, playfully accusing.

Erwin chuckled, endeared by your cuteness. "Alright, alright. In that case, I'll bring it up to Levi when he's through with training. Would you be amenable to leaving tomorrow morning?"

"That's perfect," you chimed with a smile before leaning up to give him a peck on the nose.


The journey seemed to last forever – at least, it was long enough that the carriage stopped twice so you, Levi, and Erwin could get out, stretch your legs, and use the facilities at a nearby café or tavern. The three of you chatted here and there, but most of the ride passed quietly. Erwin read a romance novel he'd brought along, while you and Levi stared out the window, observing the towns and fields slowly rolling by.

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